Difference Between Greed and Ambition

Main Difference – Greed vs Ambition

Greed and ambition both refer to the desire to achieve or gain things. However, there is a major difference between greed and ambition. Greed is the intense and selfish desire to achieve money, power, or status. Ambition is the desire and determination to achieve success. This is the main difference between greed and ambition. Greed is often viewed as a negative concept whereas ambition is viewed as a desired or positive quality.

This article describes,

1. What Does Greed Mean – Definition, Meaning, Characteristics and Usage

2. What Does Ambition Mean – Definition, Meaning, Characteristics and Usage

3. What is the Difference Between Greed and Ambition

Difference Between Greed and Ambition - Greed vs Ambition Comparison Summary

What is Greed

The Oxford dictionary defines greed as “intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food” and Merriam-Webster defines it as “a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed”. As seen from these definitions, greed refers to something selfish and excessive. Greed can persuade a person to commit immoral acts and go against his conscience.  A greedy person may choose the easiest way to fulfill his desires, and he won’t care about the consequences of the depraved and corrupt actions he might perform to reach his goal. Therefore, greed can lead a person to deprive others of their possessions, to disturb and destruct the lives of others in order to gain the things he or she desires.  At the same time, greed is also like a bottomless pit; it can never be satisfied. The more you achieve, and more you gain, the more you’ll want. Greed is also associated with other negative qualities such as selfishness, malice, and vanity.

Main Difference - Greed vs Ambition

What is Ambition

The Oxford dictionary defines ambition as “desire and determination to achieve success” and Merriam-Webster defines it as “a particular goal or aim: something that a person hopes to do or achieve”. Ambition is usually associated with positive connotations, unlike greed.

An ambitious person will always work hard to achieve his goal. Moreover, he won’t deprive others of their possessions or opportunities and act selfishly. And an ambitious person will be satisfied once he has achieved his ambition. However, there is only a thin line between the boundaries of greed and ambition. Intense ambition can sometimes result in greed. Nevertheless, ambition is often seen as constructive and expansible whereas greed is seen as destructive and selfish.

Difference Between Greed and Ambition

Difference Between Greed and Ambition


Greed is the intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food

Ambition is the desire and determination to achieve success.


Greed is associated with negative connotations.

Ambition is associated with positive connotations.


Greed cannot be satisfied.

Ambition can be fulfilled.


Greed is selfish and destructive.

Ambition is neither selfish nor destructive.

Hard work

Greed may motivate a person to avoid hard work and take short cuts.

Ambition may motivate a person to work hard.


Greed may encourage a person to disturb or destruct other’s life.

Ambition will not encourage a person to act immorally.

Image Courtesy: 

“Avarice” By Jesus Solana from Madrid, Spain- Uploaded by PDTillman (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia

“ambition-success-planning-428983” (Public Domain) via Pixbay

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.