Difference Between Trust and Believe

Main Difference – Trust and Believe

Trust and believe are two words that have similar meanings. Although many people think that these two words are interchangeable, there is a subtle difference between them based on their meaning. Trust means to have confidence in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone and believe means to accept something as true, genuine, or real. This is the main difference between trust and believe. In addition, trust can be used as  a noun and a verb whereas believe is a verb.

This article covers,

1. Grammar, Meaning and Usage of the word Trust 

2. Grammar, Meaning and Usage of the word Believe 

3. Key Differences Between Trust and Believe Difference Between Trust and Believe - Comparison Summary

Trust – Meaning and Usage

Trust can be used as a both noun and verb. First, let’s look at the definition of the word trust, as given by dictionaries. The Oxford dictionary defines trust (noun) as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something and the verb as the act of believing in the reliability, truth, or ability.

As seen from these definitions, believe is closely interconnected with trust. Reliance or reliability is another important aspect of trust. When you trust someone, you are willing to rely on the action of another. For example, suppose that your friend has borrowed your necklace; you have given her the necklace because you trust her to use it well and return it safely. The person who trusts is not aware of the final outcome of an event, but he expects a positive outcome since he has confidence in the other.  Trust is a major component in any relationship; a relationship cannot exist without some degree of trust.

Given below are some examples that use the word trust both as a noun and a verb.

I don’t trust my neighbor.

He was able to win the trust of everyone.

She is a fool to trust him.

He’d trust me with his life.

Their relationship was built on mutual affection and trust.Difference Between Trust and Believe

Believe – Meaning and Usage

Believe means to accept something as true. When you believe something, you accept it as true. The word believe can also refer to having religious faith. Believe can also be used to refer to a person. For example,

I believe you. – I accept what you are saying is true.

No one believed her. – No one accepted her words/ what she said.

Here, you’ll note that believe is not quite the same as trust since “I trust you” means that I have confidence in you.

However, believe can be used to refer to a person’s ability and one’s confidence in another’s ability. You have to add the preposition ‘in’ after believe to get this meaning.

I believe in you.  – I have confidence in you.

The villagers have begun to believe in him. – The villagers have begun to have confidence in him.

This meaning in quite similar to the meaning conveyed by trust. This is why many people confuse the two words trust and confidence.

Main Difference - Trust vs Believe

Difference Between Trust and Believe

Grammatical Category

Trust is a noun and a verb.

Believe is a verb.


Trust means to believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone.

Believe means to accept something as true, genuine, or real.

Image Courtesy: 

“Trust” by Vic (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr

“I want to believe” by Jasleen Kaur (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Flickr

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.