What is the Difference Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra

Spectra reveal the composition of a substance. When light interacts with atoms or molecules, it produces a unique pattern of colors. By studying these patterns, scientists can identify elements, determine temperatures, and even analyze distant stars. Atomic spectra and molecular spectra are examples of such spectral patterns.

What is the difference between atomic spectra and molecular spectra? Atomic spectra are associated with electrons moving between energy levels, while molecular spectra are associated with the entire molecule changing energy levels by vibrating or rotating.

Key Areas Covered

1. What are Atomic Spectra  
      – Definition, Features 
2. What are Molecular Spectra 
      – Definition, Features 
3. Similarities Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra 
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra 
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra
      – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Atomic Spectra, Atomic Spectrum, Molecular Spectra, Molecular Spectrum

Difference Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra - Comparison Summary

What are Atomic Spectra

Generally, electrons are at the lowest energy level, which is known as the ground state. But when an atom is given energy (for example, through heat or electricity), an electron can move from the ground state to a higher energy level. This is called the excited state. The electrons in this excited state are unstable. Hence, these electrons fall back to the ground state or to lower energy levels. When the electrons fall onto the lower energy levels, they emit energy in the form of light. This emitted light has a specific wavelength that corresponds to the energy gap between the two energy levels from which the electron moved.

Atomic Spectra

Each element has unique energy levels hence the light emitted will have unique wavelengths. This collection of distinct wavelengths forms an element’s atomic spectrum, appearing like a series of colored lines when passed through a prism.

There are many uses of atomic spectra. One of them include using and analysing spectra to identify the elements. This technique is called atomic spectroscopy.

What are Molecular Spectra

Molecular spectra originate from the interactions of light with molecules. For example, consider a molecule that has two or more atoms bonded together. These bonds are not strong and rigid; hence, the molecule can vibrate like a tiny spring. Atoms also can rotate around each other. Just like electrons in atoms, the molecule’s vibrations and rotations can only exist at specific energy levels.

A molecule can jump into a higher energy level when the molecule absorbs electromagnetic radiation of specific wavelength. Due to this absorption, a molecule is excited in terms of vibrations or rotations. However, similar to excited electrons, these higher energy states are unstable. The molecule quickly comes back down to a lower energy level, releasing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation again.

However, the emitted radiation does not match the absorbed radiation because some amount of energy is lost as heat during the process. As a result, the re-emitted radiation often appears as a broader band of wavelengths rather than the sharp lines seen in atomic spectra. This collection of bands at specific wavelengths forms a molecule’s unique fingerprint, called its molecular spectrum.

By analyzing molecular spectra molecules and their features such as their structure, and types of vibrations and rotations could be identified. This technique is called molecular spectroscopy.

Similarities Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra

  1. Both involve transitions between energy levels.
  2. Both phenomena involve the absorption of specific wavelengths of light and the subsequent emission of light at distinct wavelengths.
  3. Atomic and molecular spectra serve as unique fingerprints for identification.

Difference Between Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra


  • Atomic spectra are the unique colors of light that atoms emit or absorb when their electrons jump between energy levels. Molecular spectra, on the other hand, are the specific patterns of light absorption or emission by molecules, showing their internal energy states and movements.

Associated with

  • Atomic spectra are associated with electrons moving between energy levels, while molecular spectra are associated with the entire molecule changing energy levels by vibrating or rotating.

Electronic Transitions

  • Atomic spectra deal primarily with electronic transitions involving larger jumps in energy compared to molecular spectra.


  • Atomic spectra are generally simpler to interpret, while molecular spectra are a bit more complex to interpret.


  • Atomic spectra help to obtain information about the electronic structure and elemental composition, while molecular spectra help to obtain information about molecular structure and types of vibrations and rotations.


Both atomic and molecular spectra arise from light interacting with matter, causing energy-level transitions and releasing light at specific wavelengths. Atomic spectra involve electron transitions within isolated atoms, resulting in simpler, line-like patterns. Molecular spectra involve the entire molecule vibrating or rotating, leading to broader, more complex bands. This is the main difference between atomic spectra and molecular spectra.

FAQ: Atomic Spectra and Molecular Spectra

1. What is the difference between the electromagnetic spectrum and the atomic emission spectrum?

Electromagnetic spectrum is the entire range of all possible electromagnetic radiation, categorized by its wavelength or frequency. It includes a vast spectrum, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Atomic emission spectrum is a specific type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an element when its electrons jump between energy levels.

2. What is the difference between atomic and molecular transitions?

Atomic transitions involve changes in energy levels of electrons within a single atom, which results in the emission or absorption of light at specific wavelengths. Molecular transitions, on the other hand, involve changes in the energy states of electrons, vibrations, or rotations within a molecule.

3. What is the difference between atomic spectroscopy and mass spectrometry?

Atomic spectroscopy and mass spectrometry are both analytical techniques used to study the composition of matter. Atomic spectroscopy analyzes the light emitted or absorbed by atoms when their electrons change energy levels. Meanwhile, mass spectrometry measures the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions (charged atoms or molecules).

4. What are the applications of atomic spectra?

Atomic spectra have a wide range of applications across various scientific fields. They are used in the identification of elements, quantification of elements, characterization of materials, failure analysis, trace evidence analysis and in stellar composition analysis.


1. “Molecular Spectrum.” Science Direct. 
2. “Atomic Spectrum.” Science Direct. 

Image Courtesy:

1. “Atomic emission spectrum of helium” By Ranjithsiji – Own work (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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