What is the Difference Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl

The main difference between hydroxyzine pamoate and hydroxyzine HCL is that hydroxyzine pamoate is a salt of hydroxyzine with pamoic acid, while hydroxyzine HCl is the hydrochloride salt of hydroxyzine.

Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl are two formulations of the antihistamine medication hydroxyzine. Both medications help to address various conditions, such as allergic reactions, itching, anxiety, and tension.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Hydroxyzine Pamoate 
      – Definition, Features, Role
2. What is Hydroxyzine HCl
      – Definition, Features, Role
3. Similarities Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl
      – Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Hydroxyzine Pamoate, Hydroxyzine HCl

Difference Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl - Comparison Summary

What is Hydroxyzine Pamoate

Hydroxyzine pamoate is a pharmaceutical compound used primarily as an antihistamine and anxiolytic agent. Its chemical structure consists of hydroxyzine, a first-generation histamine H1 receptor antagonist, combined with pamoic acid to form the pamoate salt.

Hydroxyzine pamoate can effectively block histamine receptors. Histamine is a neurotransmitter involved in various physiological processes, including allergic responses. By antagonizing the H1 receptors, hydroxyzine pamoate mitigates the effects of histamine, leading to its antihistaminic properties. This makes it effective in treating allergies, itching, and other histamine-mediated symptoms.

Hydroxyzine Pamoate vs Hydroxyzine HCl

Figure 1: Hydroxyzine Structure

Hydroxyzine pamoate also possesses anxiolytic properties. It achieves this by influencing neurotransmission in the central nervous system. The compound acts as a sedative by binding to and blocking certain receptors in the brain, particularly the histaminergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic receptors. This modulation of neurotransmitter activity contributes to its use in managing anxiety disorders.

The incorporation of pamoic acid into hydroxyzine introduces an organic acid component to the molecule. Pamoic acid is a dihydroxy pyromellitic acid derivative, and its inclusion likely serves various purposes. Firstly, the addition of a counterion, such as pamoic acid, can enhance the stability and solubility of the compound, aiding in its pharmaceutical formulation. Additionally, the choice of pamoic acid may impact the pharmacokinetics of hydroxyzine pamoate.

Hydroxyzine pamoate is typically administered orally, and its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion are influenced by its chemical composition. Once ingested, the compound undergoes hydrolysis, freeing hydroxyzine in the gastrointestinal tract. The liberated hydroxyzine is then absorbed into the bloodstream, where it undergoes metabolism in the liver before being excreted.

Despite its therapeutic benefits, hydroxyzine pamoate is not without potential side effects. Sedation, dizziness, and anticholinergic effects are among the commonly reported adverse reactions. Individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to hydroxyzine or pamoic acid are cautioned against its use.

What is Hydroxyzine HCl

Hydroxyzine HCl is derived from diphenylmethane and belongs to the piperazine class of compounds. Its systematic name is 2-[2-[4-(4-chlorophenyl)phenylmethyl]-1-piperazinyl]ethoxy]ethanol dihydrochloride. This complex structure combines a piperazine ring, which is a six-membered heterocyclic ring containing two nitrogen atoms, with aromatic rings and an ethoxyethanol moiety.

As an antihistamine, hydroxyzine HCl primarily exerts its effects by antagonizing the H1 histamine receptors. By blocking H1 receptors, hydroxyzine reduces the effects of histamine, leading to decreased allergic symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and rhinorrhea.

Compare Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl

Beyond its antihistaminic properties, hydroxyzine also exhibits anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. The exact mechanism underlying its anxiolytic activity is not fully clear, but it is thought to involve the modulation of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.

Hydroxyzine is administered orally and undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver. The primary metabolite, cetirizine, retains antihistaminic properties and is responsible for a portion of hydroxyzine’s effects. The drug is eliminated mainly through renal excretion, and its half-life is around 20 to 25 hours.

Hydroxyzine HCl finds use in the treatment of various allergic conditions, including allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and pruritic skin disorders. Additionally, its anxiolytic properties make it a viable option for managing anxiety disorders.

While generally well-tolerated, hydroxyzine may cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth. Due to its sedative effects, hydroxyzine should be used cautiously in combination with other central nervous system depressants.

Similarities Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl

  • Both are forms of hydroxyzine.
  • They share the same fundamental pharmacological properties.
  • Both formulations help to treat conditions such as itching, allergic reactions, anxiety, and tension.

Difference Between Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl


Hydroxyzine pamoate is a pharmaceutical compound used primarily as an antihistamine and anxiolytic agent. Hydroxyzine HCl is a compound originating from diphenylmethane and belongs to the piperazine class of compounds.


Hydroxyzine pamoate is a salt of hydroxyzine and pamoic acid, while hydroxyzine HCl is the hydrochloride salt of hydroxyzine.


Moreover, hydroxyzine pamoate is less soluble in water compared to hydroxyzine HCl.


Hydroxyzine pamoate is often formulated as capsules, while hydroxyzine HCl is available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, and syrups.

FAQ: Hydroxyzine Pamoate and Hydroxyzine HCl

Are hydroxyzine HCl and hydroxyzine pamoate the same?

No, hydroxyzine HCl and hydroxyzine pamoate are two different forms.

Does hydroxyzine pamoate help you sleep?

Hydroxyzine can have a sedative effect and help you sleep.

Does hydroxyzine damage your heart?

Yes, hydroxyzine sometimes can affect your heart rhythm.


Both formulations help to treat conditions such as itching, allergic reactions, anxiety, and tension. The main difference between hydroxyzine pamoate and hydroxyzine HCL is that hydroxyzine pamoate is a salt of hydroxyzine with pamoic acid, while hydroxyzine HCl is the hydrochloride salt of hydroxyzine


1. “Hydroxyzine Pamoate.” WebMD.
2. “Hydroxyzine HCl.” WebMD.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Hydroxyzine” By Harbin – Own work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Tablet, medicine, health, jewellery, pharmacy, drug...” (CC0) via Pxhere

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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