The immune system is composed of a complex network of cells that defend the body against foreign...
Category - Biology
How Do Transcription Factors Work
Transcription factors are proteins that bind to DNA in order to regulate the gene expression by...
How to Transcribe DNA into mRNA
The genetic material of most organisms is DNA, which stores the information required for the...
How Does the Nervous System Work with Other Systems
The nervous system is a network of nerve cells that transmit nerve impulses between different parts...
Why is PCR Used in the Process of DNA Sequencing
DNA sequencing is a technique used to determine the nucleotide sequence of a particular DNA...
Why Acetocarmine is Used in Mitotic Chromosome Studies
Different stains are used in the staining of different biological materials. Stains react with a...
How Do Fluorescent Markers Help Determine a Nucleotide Sequence
DNA sequencing is a technique that helps to determine the nucleotide sequence of a particular DNA...
How Do Histone Proteins Help in the Coiling of DNA
The genetic material of an organism is composed of billions of base pairs of DNA. It is arranged...
How Does the Structure of the Stigma Aid in Pollination
Pollination is the process of moving pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of...
How are Restriction Enzymes Used to Make Recombinant DNA
Recombinant DNA is an artificial type of DNA produced by combining DNA of two or more species. The...