Main Difference – Advice vs Advise
Many people tend to confuse the two words advice and advise since they sound and look alike. But apart from the obvious difference in spelling– ‘ice’ vs ‘ise’ – there is a distinct grammatical difference between advice and advise. Advice is a noun whereas advise is a verb. This is the main difference between advice and advise.
Advice – Meaning and Usage
Advice is a noun which refers to the recommendations, suggestions or guidance in regard to prudent decisions. Advice is information about what should or could be done. In other words, it is an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do.
We often use the two verbs give and take with the noun advice. When someone is giving you suggestions and guidance on how to do something, then he is giving you advice. If you follow their guidance and do as they say, you are taking his advice.
The sentences below will help you to understand the meaning and usage of the noun advice better.
He was penalized for disregarding the advice of the council.
My grandaunt never stops giving advice.
This injury looks serious; you should take advice from a doctor.
She refused to take my advice and now she is in big trouble.
Can you give me some advice, please?
Advise – Meaning and Usage
Advise is a verb which refers to the act of giving suggestions, guidance and recommendations about the best course of action. Advise is equivalent to giving advice. The verb advice can refer to telling someone what should be done in a particular situation. It also refers to the guidance and information on a particular matter, imparted by an expert in that particular field.
The following sentences will help you to understand the meaning and usage of the verb advise better.
The teacher advised the students on their behavior.
She advised me to see a doctor before it’s too late.
The parents were advised to pay more attention to children’s dietary needs.
They advised me to visit Japan during the Sakura season.
What would you advise me to do?
Note that words like advisory, advisor, advisable, etc. also employ ‘-is’, not ‘-ic’. This is because these words are derived from the verb, not the noun.
It is always better to ask yourself whether you want to use the noun or verb, before actually writing down the word. This way, you can remember the spellings better; if it is a noun, use ‘-ice’ and if it is a verb, use ‘-ise’.

The old man advises the young man.
Difference Between Advice and Advise
Grammatical Category
Advice is a noun.
Advise is a verb.
Advice refers to the recommendations, suggestions or guidance on a particular matter.
Advise refers to the act of giving recommendations, suggestions or guidance on a particular matter.
Advice is the noun of advise.
Advise is equivalent to ‘to give advice’.
Image Courtesy:
“Advice Keyboard Button” by Got Credit (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr
“Painting” By Honoré Daumier – National Gallery of Art, (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia