Main Difference – Fast vs Quick
Fast and quick are two adjectives that describe things that move with great speeds. Although these two adjectives can be used interchangeably in some instances, they do not always act as synonyms. Fast describes things that happen or go at high speed. While quick can also be also used describes the speed, it is more appropriate to use quick to things that happen in a short time. This is the main difference between fast and quick.
This article covers,
1. What Does Fast Mean – Grammar, Meaning and Usage of the word Fast
2. What Does QUick Mean – Grammar, Meaning and Usage of the word Quick
3. What is the Difference Between Fast and Quick
What Does Fast Mean
Fast describes the speed. It can be used as an adjective and an adverb. Fast refers to things that happen or go at high speed. For example, a person running, vehicle, etc.
Example of Fast as an Adjective:
He likes to drive fast cars.
The express train is very fast.
The bus is not as fast as the train.
Example of Fast as an Adverb:
He ran very fast.
Don’t drive too fast.
The price of shares has been declining fast.

They’ve bought a fast car.
What Does Quick Mean
Quick is an adjective. The adverb of quick is quickly. Quick is mainly used to describe something that happens in a short time period or shorter than expected. For example,
They stopped for a quick snack.
These questions require quick thinking.
He needs a quick answer.
I gave her a quick look.
They met for a quick drink after work.
Quick doesn’t refer to the speed in any of the above examples. All these examples refer to something that happens during a short time period. Thus, it should be clear to you that fast and quick have some clear cut differences.

He is a quick learner.
Examples – Fast vs Quick
Let’s look at some more examples to understand this difference between fast and quick better.
He is quick. – Quick here refers to the time taken to do something. This cannot be replaced by fast.
Ex: He is quick to forgive.
Not He is fast to forgive.
He is fast. – Fast here refers to the speed. This cannot be replaced by quick.
Ex: This car is fast.
Not This car is quick.
Difference Between Fast and Quick
Fast refers to things that happen or go at high speed.
Quick describes something that happens in a short time period or shorter than expected.
Grammatical Category
Fast is an adjective and an adverb.
Quick is an adjective.
Image Courtesy:
“Quick learner” by Brandon.n (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr
“You’ve Got a Fast Car” by Margaret Goodson (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Flickr