Main Difference – i.e vs e.g
i.e and e.g are two abbreviations that are commonly used in writing. Both these abbreviations are derived from Latin terms; i.e. is derived from id est whereas e.g. is derived from exempli gratia. These two abbreviations have two different meanings; i.e. stands for that is and e.g. stands for for example. This is the main difference between i.e. and e.g. Let’s look at the further differences between these abbreviations in this article.
i.e. – Meaning and Usage
i.e. is abbreviated from the Latin term id est which means that is. In English, this is equivalent to in other words. This phrase is used to clarify or specify a previously mentioned concept or object. The best way to use i.e. correctly is to replace it with in other words; if the sentence still makes sense, then you have used the abbreviation correctly.
Her birthday was two months ago, i.e. June.
Although these two terms are homophones, they are not homographs, i.e., they are spelt differently.
Flair is a natural and instinctive talent or aptitude, i.e., the ability to do something well.
Good and bad have contradictory meanings, i.e., they act as antonyms.
If you observe the following sentences closely, you’ll observe that i.e. and the clarification that follows it is usually separated from the rest of the sentences by the use of commas.
When i.e. occurs in the middle of a sentence, a comma is used before and after it.

Sinosphere, i.e., a group of countries and regions in East Asia that were historically influenced by the culture of China.
e.g. – Meaning and Usage
E.g. is abbreviated from the Latin term exempli gratia. In English, this is equivalent to for example. This abbreviation is used to introduce one or more examples. As with i.e., e.g. is followed by a comma; if it occurs in the middle of a sentence, it is also preceded by a comma.
If you want to separate the examples from the rest of the sentence, you can also enclose them in parenthesis. You can observe these different usages by analyzing the following examples.
Carbohydrates aid in the synthesis of coenzymes (e.g. ribose in ATP, FAD, and NAD)
The affected Asian countries (e.g. Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan) refused foreign aids.
He always used easy to read fonts; e.g., Georgia and Times New Roman.
I like sweets, e.g. brownies, chocolates, cookies, etc.
It is also important to note that a list of examples that start with e.g. should not end with etc.

They sold Indian sweets, e.g., laddu, ras gulla, burfi and kheer.
Difference Between i.e and e.g
Latin Term
I.e. is abbreviated from the Latin term id est.
E.g. is abbreviated from the Latin term exempli gratia.
English Equivalent
I.e is equivalent to in other words.
E.g is equivalent to for example.
I.e is used to clarify or specify.
E.g is used to introduce examples.
Image Courtesy:
“Street shop for sweets, mithai Rajasthan India” By Felipe Skroski – Flickr: sweet as (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia
“East Asian Cultural Sphere” By Betoseha – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia