Difference Between Knowledge, Skill and Ability

Main Difference – Knowledge, Skill vs Ability

Knowledge, Skill and Ability are qualities we need in order to complete any task successfully. Knowledge refers to the familiarity with theoretical concepts and factual information. Skills are the proficiencies developed through practice. Ability is the quality of being able to do something. The main difference between knowledge, skill and ability is that knowledge is theoretical whereas ability and skill are practical. In addition, skills are learned whereas ability is inbuilt.Difference Between Difference Between Knowledge Skill and Ability - infographic

What is Knowledge

Knowledge is the theoretical understanding of a subject. In other words, it can refer to familiarity with theoretical concepts and factual information. Knowledge can be self-acquired (through study or observation). It can also be transferred from one person to another; this is what happens in the traditional teaching methods.

When we compare knowledge with skills and abilities, the main difference between the three is that knowledge is purely theoretical. For example, you might know a cake recipe by heart; you know the ingredients, temperature, methods, etc. Basically, you know how to bake a cake. But the problem is, can you bake the cake with just knowledge?

Main Difference - Knowledge Skill vs Ability

What is Skill

Skills are the proficiencies you develop through training or experience. They refer to the ability to apply knowledge to specific and practical situations. Skills cannot be developed without practice. For example, an individual’s social skills are developed through interaction with people – by observing, listening, and speaking. Skills can only be mastered through trial and error.

For example, imagine you are riding a bicycle for the first time. The first time you get on the bicycle, you have no skills, but you may know how to ride a bicycle in theory. Most of us don’t master this skill in the first day itself. It’ll take us hours of practice to be skilled at riding a bicycle.

Difference Between Knowledge Skill and Ability

What is Ability

Ability is the quality of being able to do something. Abilities are often natural or inbuilt; they can also be a combination of genetics and learning. Abilities are part of an individual’s qualities and affect his or her capability to become skillful when learning a new task. For example, a surgeon must have arm–hand steadiness and multi-limb coordination and a race car driver needs to have abilities such as stamina, control precision, reaction time, etc. 

Difference Between Knowledge Skill and Ability - 3

Difference Between Knowledge Skill and Ability


Knowledge is the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Skills are the proficiencies you develop through training or experience.

Ability is the quality of being able to do something.


Knowledge is acquired through learning or experience.

Skill is a practiced or learned behavior.           

Ability is natural or inbuilt.                                   


Knowledge is knowing how to bake a cake.

Skill is having baking and cooking skills or practice in baking.

Ability having natural abilities like attention to detail.


Knowledge increases with experience.

Skills can be developed with practice.

Ability can be improved to a certain extent.

Image Courtesy:

“Knowledge” (Public Domain) via Pixbay

“Skill” (Public Domain) via Pixbay

“Ability” (CC BY-SA 3.0 NY) via The Blue Diamond Gallery

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.