The main difference between preclude and exclude is that the word preclude means to prevent something from happening or to make something impossible, while the word exclude means to deny someone access to a group, place, or privilege.
Although preclude and exclude are two verbs that sound somewhat alike, they have distinctly different meanings. That is; preclude generally has a meaning similar to prevent whereas exclude is the opposite of include. Moreover, both are transitive verbs.
Key Areas Covered
1. What Does Preclude Mean
– Definition, Meaning, Usage
2. What Does Exclude Mean
– Definition, Meaning, Usage
3. What are the Similarities Between Preclude and Exclude
– Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Preclude and Exclude
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Exclude, Include, Preclude
Preclude – Definition, Meaning and Usage
Preclude is a verb that means to prevent something from happening or to make something impossible. Besides, it can also mean to prevent someone from doing something. Furthermore, this is a transition verb.
Let’s look at an example sentence to understand the meaning of the word more clearly.
This policy precludes the use of firearms.
The above sentence means the same as “this policy prevents the use of firearms.” Thus, this verb is somewhat similar to prevent. Now, let’s look at some more example sentences.
The headmaster’s punishments did not preclude the children from playing outside.
Bad weather precluded their monthly trip to the beach.
A prior commitment precluded the president from coming to the meeting.
These conditions preclude a third party from taking part in the negotiations.

Example Sentence 2: The contract precludes him from participating in any team sports.
Commonly, the verb preclude is often used in legal writings. In such contexts, this verb usually refers to make something legally impossible. However, as seen from the above example sentences, the use of this verb is not limited to only legal contexts.
Exclude – Meaning, Definition and Usage
The verb exclude is the opposite of the verb include, which means to comprise or contain as part of a whole. Thus, exclude means to deny someone access to a group, place, or privilege. Furthermore, it can also mean to remove something from consideration.
First, let’s look at an example to understand the meaning of the word.
The prices you see on the menu exclude the tax.
The above sentence means that prices on the menu do not contain or include the tax. Here, exclude means the exact opposite of include.
This policy excludes new recruits from receiving travel and allocation benefits.
In the above sentence, the verb exclude conveys the sense of denying access to some privilege. Similarly, this verb can have slightly different meanings in different contexts.

Example Sentence 2
Let’s look at some more example sentences to understand the meaning and usage of this verb more clearly.
She got upset when I exclude her from anything.
The public was excluded from the meeting.
As a woman, she was excluded from the inner parts of the temple.
We could not exclude the possibility that he was dead.
Similarities Between Preclude and Exclude
- Both exclude and preclude are transitive verbs.
- Moreover, these verbs convey a sense of prevention or denial.
Difference Between Preclude and Exclude
Preclude means to prevent something from happening or to make something impossible while exclude means to deny someone access to a group, place, or privilege.
Moreover, preclude generally has a meaning similar to prevent, whereas exclude is the opposite of include.
Concerning the usage, the verb preclude is often used in legal writings. In such writings, it has the meaning: to make something legally impossible. However, the verb exclude has no such specific legal use.
In brief, the word preclude generally has a meaning similar to prevent, whereas the word exclude is the opposite of include. Thus, the main difference between preclude and exclude is that preclude means to prevent something from happening or to make something impossible while excluding means to deny someone access to a group, place, or privilege.
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