The difference between These and Those arise from the difference between this and that. These and Those are the plural forms of this and that respectively. The main difference between the two words this (plural form – these) and that (plural form – those) is that ‘This’ is used to refer to a particular person or thing close at hand while ‘That’ refers to the most distant of the two things near the speaker.
Key Areas Covered
1. What Does These Mean
– Definition, Features
2. What Does Those Mean
– Definition, Features
3. What is the Difference Between These and Those
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
These, Those
These – Meaning and Usage
The word ‘These’ is the plural form of ‘this’. It can be used as an adjective and a pronoun. These can be used to,
Refer to something that is physically nearby (as an adjective)
“Who left these books outside?”
“These fruits smell delicious.”
“Who are these people?”
Replace nouns that are nearby in space and time (as a pronoun)
“I have four books. Do you want all of these?”
“Would you like to have some apples? Here, take these.”
Refer to a specific thing just mentioned
“I had to call the police because of this incident.”
Refer to the nearer of two things to the speaker
“These are my books; those are hers.”
Introduce people
“These are my parents.”
“These are my colleagues, Andrew ad Clive.”

These flowers are beautiful.
Those – Meaning and Usage
The word ‘Those‘ is the plural form of ‘that’. Those also can be used as an adjective and a pronoun. The word Those is used to,
Replace nouns that are farther away in space and time (pronoun)
“Would you like to help me? Carry those over there.”
“Thank you for the fruits you sent me yesterday. Those were delicious.”
Refer to something that is physically far away (adjective)
“Can you give me those books?”
“Those mountains look so small from here.”
Refers to the more distant of two things near to the speaker
“I like those better than these.”
“I like those dresses better.”
Refers to a specific thing previously known, mentioned or understood.
“Did you see those articles yesterday?”
“I have read ten books by the author and only two of those even mentioned India.”
“The police wanted to investigate those incidents separately.”

Those kites are so pretty.
Difference Between These and Those
These is the plural form of this, while those is the plural form of that.
While these is used to indicate things nearer to the speaker, those is used to indicate things farther away to the speaker.
These refers to the nearest, when talking about two things near to the speaker while those refers to the more distant of the two, when talking about two things near to the speaker.
Specific Information
While these can be used to refer to a specific thing just mentioned, those can refer to a specific thing previously mentioned or known.
Moreover, these is used to introduce to people and those is not used in introductions.
These is the plural form of this, while those is the plural form of that. While these is used to indicate things nearer to the speaker, those is used to indicate things farther away from the speaker. This is the main difference between these and those.