What is the Difference Between Ampoule and Vial

Ampoule and vial are two types of small bottles or vessels that are useful purposes in storing and using various substances. Both are useful in industries like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and research for storing substances like medications, solutions, and samples.

What is the difference between ampoule and vial? Ampoules are single-use sealed glass capsules that work well for sensitive medications and precise dosages. Vials have resealable rubber stoppers and are better suited for multiple doses and frequent withdrawals.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is an Ampoule
      – Definition, Features
2. What is a Vial
      – Definition, Features 
3. Similarities Between Ampoule and Vial
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Ampoule and Vial
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Ampoule and Vial
      – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Ampoule, Vial

Difference Between Ampoule and Vial - Comparison Summary

What is an Ampoule

An ampoule is a small, sealed vessel typically made of glass. Ampoules are designed for single-use applications. They are hermetically sealed with heat, creating an airtight and sterile environment. This is particularly important for substances sensitive to air or light degradation, such as certain medications and vaccines.

The contents remain fresh and at their full potency until the moment of use due to the superior seal of an ampoule. This is useful in instances that require precise dosages, like injectable hormones and antibiotics.


Apart from the use of ampoules in pharmaceuticals, their usage is common in many scientific applications. They are useful in storing gases or storing highly reactive chemicals.

There is a specific technique for accessing the contents of the ampoule. The thin, elongated neck of the ampoule is typically scored with a colored ring. By snapping the neck at this point, you can safely open the ampoule and access the contents. However, these ampoules require proper handling.

What is a Vial

Vials are small cylindrical bottles made of glass or plastic. They have a rubber stopper that can be punctured with a needle. After puncturing, you can remove the contents inside the vial. Therefore, they are ideal for storing medications requiring frequent dosing, like insulin or blood thinners.


Vials come in different sizes: small vials and larger vials. Small vials may hold a few millilitres of vaccine, while larger vials could store larger volumes of culture media or reagents.

Apart from storing liquids in vials, they can store tiny biological samples, powders, and tablets. The stopper prevents the contamination of samples.

Due to their transparency, glass vials allow visual inspection of the samples from the outside. Overall, vials are ideal for multiple-dose applications. They are resealable, which allows for controlled withdrawal of the contents over time.

Similarities Between Ampoule and Vial

  1. Both are useful in various industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and research, for storing substances like medications, solutions, and samples.
  2. Moreover, both can undergo sterilization.

Difference Between Ampoule and Vial


  • Ampoules are like tiny glass or plastic capsules, whereas vials are like small bottles with rubber stoppers on top.


  • Ampoules are designed for single-use applications, while vials are designed for multi-use applications.


  • Ampoules are smaller than vials.


  • Ampoules require a specific technique to open. The neck is scored and snapped to access the content. Vials use a rubber stopper that can be punctured with a needle for controlled withdrawal.


Ampoules are single-use sealed glass capsules that work well for sensitive medications and precise dosages. Vials have resealable rubber stoppers and are better suited for multiple doses and frequent withdrawals. This is the difference between ampoule and vial.

FAQ: Ampoule and Vial

1. What are the advantages of vials over ampoules?

Vials are larger than ampoules and can store more content. Unlike ampoules, which are designed for single use, they are also designed for multiuse and can be resealed.

2. What are the disadvantages of ampoules?

Ampoules are designed for single-use applications and must be broken open to access their contents. This breaking can pose a risk of glass shard contamination, which may compromise the sterility and safety of the solution inside.

3. What are ampoules used for?

Ampoules are commonly used to store various types of medications, including vaccines, painkillers, antibiotics, and other injectable drugs. They are very useful in healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.

4. What are the uses of vials?

Vials have various uses. They help to store medications, including liquid formulations and powdered drugs. Moreover, in scientific research, vials are essential for storing and transporting laboratory samples, reagents, and solutions. They also help to store cosmetic and personal care products.

5. How to open ampoules?

  1. Wash hands and gather supplies.
  2. Tap the ampoule to collect liquid in the bottom.
  3. Then, clean the neck with an alcohol swab and let it dry.
  4. Wrap gauze around the ampoule neck.
  5. Finally, snap the neck away from you (using gauze for protection) and dispose of it in a sharps container. Also, remember to wear gloves and handle the glass carefully to avoid cuts.

1. “Ampoule.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.
2. “Vial.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.

Image Courtesy:

1. “A Close-up Shot of an Ampoule” (CC0) via Pexels
2. “Close-Up View of a Vaccine Vial” (CC0) via Pexels

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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