The main difference between caiman and alligator is that caiman inhabits the marshlands of Central America and South America whereas alligator inhabits only the Southeastern United States and eastern regions of China. Furthermore, caiman has a very large upper jaw while alligator has a small overbite. Moreover, caiman has many sharp, long, and narrow teeth with an orangish hue from the interior of the mouth while alligator has conical teeth and the inside of the mouth is beige in color.
Caiman and alligator are two carnivorous reptiles. They are cold-blooded animals, belonging to the same family, Alligatoridae. Generally, caimans are the smallest form of crocodilians while alligators are smaller than crocodiles.
Key Areas Covered
1. Caiman
– Definition, Characteristics, Behavior
2. Alligator
– Definition, Characteristics, Behavior
3. What are the Similarities Between Caiman and Alligator
– Outline of Common features
4. What is the Difference Between Caiman and Alligator
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Alligator, Alligatoridae, Caiman, Carnivores, Cold-Blooded, Habitat, Reptiles
Caiman – Definition, Characteristics, Behavior
Caiman is a carnivorous reptile and is the smallest member of the order Crocodilia. Caimans live in several countries of the Central and South America including Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Honduras. Generally, they inhabit bogs, marshes, lakes, rivers, and ponds. Moreover, caimans live in groups, and they are more aggressive. They tend to consume both water and land animals including mollusks, fish, snails, snakes, birds, and assorted mammals.

Figure 1: Yacare Caiman
Furthermore, the average length of a caiman can be around 6.5 feet, and the weight can be up to 88 pounds. However, the largest species of caimans, the black caiman, can grow up to 16.4 feet in length and 2500 pounds in weight. It is a keystone species in the Amazon ecosystem. Some caimans are kept in zoos while other small species such as Cuvier’s dwarf caiman are popular as exotic domestic pets.
Alligator – Definition, Characteristics, Behavior
Alligator is a medium-large form of crocodilian that is smaller than a crocodile. Moreover, there are only two species of alligators: American alligator and Chinese alligator. They are native to southeastern states of America and to the Yangtze River valley and its surrounding provinces. Generally, alligators inhabit marshes, ponds, rivers, lakes, and swamplands. They consume deer, turtles, fish, birds, and many small rodents and mammals including muskrats.

Figure 2: American Alligator
Moreover, American alligator grows up to 13 feet in length and 800 pounds in weight. Significantly, the skin of alligators is used to produce items like belts, purses, shoes, and luggage. Also, their meat is the main ingredient in dishes including deep-fried alligator tail, gumbo, and sausages.
Similarities Between Caiman and Alligator
- Caiman and alligator are two large reptiles that belong to the family Alligatoridae.
- They belong to the order Crocodilia.
- Also, both are cold-blooded, carnivorous, reptiles.
- And, both have rounded, U-shaped snout that tends to have an overbite.
- Importantly, both are known for their voraciousness and ability to strike fear into other animals.
- They live in warm climates.
- Moreover, they inhabit fresh water.
Difference Between Caiman and Alligator
Caiman is a semiaquatic reptile similar to the alligator but with a heavily armoured belly, native to tropical America. In contrast, the alligator is a large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China. Thus, this is the main difference between caiman and alligator.
Biggest Species
Black caiman is the biggest species among caimans while American alligator is the biggest species among alligators.
Importantly, caiman inhabits the marshlands of Central America and South America whereas alligator inhabits the Southeastern United States and eastern regions of China. Hence, this is a major difference between caiman and alligator.
Upper Jaw
Another difference between caiman and alligator is that caiman has a very large upper jaw while alligator has a small overbite.
Moreover, teeth is an identifiable difference between caiman and alligator. The caiman has many sharp, long, and narrow teeth while alligator has conical teeth.
The color of the Interior of the Mouth
Also, the mouth of a caiman has an orangish hue while inside of the mouth of an alligator has a beige color.
Another identifiable difference between caiman and alligator is that the caiman has a sharp nose/head while alligator has a blunt nose/head.
Their respective size is also a difference between caiman and alligator. Caimans are the smallest form of crocodilians while alligators are smaller than crocodiles.
Caiman has a heavily armoured belly while alligator has a slimmer body.
The tail is another difference between caiman and alligator. The tail of the caiman is shorter while the tail of an alligator is longer.
Moreover, the color of caimans is black to dull olive while the color of an alligator is dark grey, black, or olive brown.
Furthermore, caimans consume small animals, including fish, birds, and small mammals while alligators consume large fish, turtles, and large mammals.
Another difference between caiman and alligator is that caimans are more aggressive and live in groups while alligators are less likely to attack humans.
Caiman is the smallest form of crocodilians, belonging to the Alligatoridae family. Significantly, caimans inhabit both Central and South America. They have conical teeth and beige color interior in their mouth. In contrast, the alligator is larger than a caiman but, smaller than a crocodile. Alligators are found in America and China. The teeth of an alligator are sharp and narrow while its mouth has an orange color interior. Therefore, the main difference between caiman and alligator is their habitat, features of the mouth, and size.
1. “Caiman – Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts.” Animals, 27 May 2018, Available Here.
2. “American Alligator – Alligator Mississippiensis – NatureWorks.” New Hampshire PBS, Available Here.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) 2” By Charles J Sharp – Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “American Alligator eating Blue Crab 2” By Gareth Rasberry – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
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