What is the Difference Between Casting and Moulding

Casting and moulding are two processes that involve pouring or injecting a liquid material into a mould. Both techniques are essential in various industries for creating complex designs.

What is the difference between casting and moulding? Moulding involves creating a negative space using a rigid mould to shape pliable materials, while casting involves filling this mould with liquid material to form a solid object.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Casting  
      – Definition, Features, Uses
2. What is Moulding
      – Definition, Features, Uses
3. Similarities Between Casting and Moulding
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Casting and Moulding
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Casting and Moulding
      – Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Casting, Moulding

Difference Between Casting and Moulding - Comparison Summary

What is Moulding

Moulding is the art of shaping a liquid or pliable material using a rigid mould. The mould may be made from metal, wood, or silicone. It acts as the negative imprint of the desired product. Moreover, it can be a basic simple mould or a complex detailed mould.

Moulding has a wide range of applications in many industries. It is mainly used in construction and architecture. In fact, mouldings create ornamental features like corniches, baseboards, and trims, adding visual interest and definition to walls, ceilings, and doorways. Furthermore, mouldings can conceal imperfections or gaps between walls and ceilings, offering a clean and finished look. They can also channel water away from building exteriors.


Injection moulding is a popular technique for creating countless plastic objects, from car parts and electronics housings to toys and furniture components. Moulding helps to create metal sculptures, tools, and machine parts too.

People also use moulds to shape chocolates, candies, jellies, and even some cheeses. They ensure consistent shapes. Moreover, in the field of medicine, moulding helps to create custom prosthetics and some medical implants. Additionally, mental moulds are used to create crowns, dentures, and other dental restorations too.

What is Casting 

Casting is the process where a liquid material is poured into a mould cavity to create a solid object with the desired shape. Casting follows moulding. Most of the time, molten metal is poured into the cavity of the mould. It takes the shape of the mould. As it cools and solidifies, the liquid becomes a solid replica, having the design etched within the mould. Casting is not limited to metals. Even resins, concrete, or plaster can be cast, providing different properties to it.


Casting creates complex shapes. Casting allows for the replication of even the most detailed designs. Most importantly, this property is used in industries like automotive and aerospace, where engine blocks, turbine blades, and other components can be cast in a single step.

Metals like iron, aluminium, and bronze can be cast to create everything from car parts and building structures to sculptures and decorative art.  Moreover, people even use concrete in casting, especially in the construction industry.

Similarities Between Casting and Moulding

  • Both processes involve pouring or injecting a liquid material (metal, plastic, resin, etc.) into the mould.
  • In addition, both processes can use a variety of materials for the mould, such as metals, plastics, or silicone.

Difference Between Casting and Moulding


  • Moulding involves shaping pliable materials using a rigid mould, while casting involves filling this mould with liquid to form solid objects.


  • The materials for casting can range widely, from metals and plastics to resins, concrete, and beyond. However, the material for the mould must be strong enough to maintain its form yet flexible enough to release the cast material.


  • Moulds used in moulding are often designed for reusability. However, moulds used in casting might only be good for a single use.


  • The mould for casting can be simpler, especially for basic shapes while moulds for intricate shapes or objects with undercuts require more complex designs.


Moulding involves creating a negative space using a rigid mould to shape pliable materials, while casting involves filling this mould with liquid material to form a solid object. Thus, this is the main difference between casting and moulding.

FAQ:  Casting and Moulding

1. What is an example of casting and moulding?

Pouring hot metal into a sand mould to make things like sculptures is an example of casting. Meanwhile, pushing melted plastic into a mould to create items like bottles or containers is an example of moulding.

2. Is casting and moulding the same?

No, casting and moulding are not the same. Moulding involves creating the negative space of the desired final product whereas casting involves filling a mould cavity with liquid.

3. What is an example of molding?

Toys, shipping drums, and storage tanks are examples of molding. Each object is formed by coating the inside of a mould with the desired material, such as plastic or metal, before it solidifies into the final product.

4. What is called die casting?

Die casting is a highly efficient metal casting method where molten metal, generally aluminum or zinc, is injected under high pressure into a mold cavity. This allows the rapid production of complex shapes with excellent surface finishes.


1. “Casting Process.” Science Direct.
2. “Molding Process.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation.

Image Courtesy:

1. “A Person Wearing Green Gloves Holding a Dental Mold” (CC0) via Pexels
2. “Cast iron melting” By P sakthy – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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