What is the Difference Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin

Chemotherapy drugs are used to fight against cancer. They target rapidly dividing cells, including cancer cells, but can also harm healthy cells. Cisplatin and carboplatin are two different chemotherapy medications.

What is the difference between cisplatin and carboplatin? Cisplatin has two chloride ions attached to the platinum atom, whereas carboplatin has a cyclobutene diamine group.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Cisplatin  
      – Definition, Features 
2. What is Carboplatin
      – Definition, Features 
3. Similarities Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Cisplatin and Carboplatin
      – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Chemotherapy Drugs

Difference Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin - Comparison Summary

What is Cisplatin

Cisplatin is a chemotherapy medication that helps to treat various types of cancer. It belongs to a class of drugs known as alkylating agents.  This medication interferes with the DNA of cancer cells, which prevents their multiplication and growth. This drug is derived from platinum. Platinum is a heavy metal. Due to the chemical structure of platinum, it binds with DNA; hence, it creates abnormalities in cells, ultimately leading to cell death. The issue with this is that it also affects the normal healthy cells, which leads to side effects.


Cisplatin medication is used to treat cancers such as testicular, ovarian, and bladder cancer. It is injected into a vein. It is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs or in conjunction with surgery and radiation therapy. Moreover, cisplatin should be administered under strict medical supervision.

What is Carboplatin

Carboplatin is a chemotherapy medication that helps to treat various types of cancer. It belongs to a class of drugs known as alkylating agents. These medications damage the DNA of cells, causing abnormalities and cell death.

Carboplatin is a platinum coordination complex. Here, platinum is bonded to two ammonia molecules and one cyclobutane-1,1-dicarboxylate (CBDCA) ligand (this molecule acts as a bidentate ligand).


The use of carboplatin has its own side effects, such as nausea, low blood cell count, kidney problems, and hearing loss. Therefore, carboplatin should be used under strict medical supervision. The dosage and treatment plan will be decided according to the individual patient based on factors such as the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, and overall health.

Similarities Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin

  1. Cisplatin and Carboplatin are chemotherapy drugs.
  2. Both drugs work by binding to DNA and interfering with its replication.
  3. Moreover, they contain a platinum atom at the center.
  4. Both drugs have shown efficacy in treating various types of cancer.
  5. In addition, both drugs can cause similar side effects.

Difference Between Cisplatin and Carboplatin


  • Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug that has two chloride ions attached to a platinum atom, whereas carboplatin is a chemotherapy drug that has a cyclobutene diamine group.


  • Cisplatin has two chloride ions as ligands, while carboplatin has a cyclobutane-1,1-dicarboxylate (CBDCA) ligand.


  • Carboplatin is generally considered to be less toxic than cisplatin.


  • Cisplatin is typically administered intravenously, while carboplatin can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly.


Cisplatin and carboplatin are both chemotherapy drugs for treating cancer. The main difference between cisplatin and carboplatin is in their individual structures. Cisplatin has two chloride ions attached to the platinum atom, whereas carboplatin has a cyclobutene diamine group.

FAQ: Cisplatin and Carboplatin

1. What kind of cancer is cisplatin often used to treat?

Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug used to treat various cancers, including bladder, ovarian, and testicular cancers. It works by damaging cancer cell DNA, preventing their growth and replication. 

2. What is the best chemo for uterine cancer?

There’s no single “best” chemo for uterine cancer. Treatment depends on the cancer stage, type, and overall health. Common chemo drugs include paclitaxel, carboplatin, doxorubicin, and cisplatin, often combined. Always consult your doctor for personalized advice.

3. What are the disadvantages of carboplatin?

Carboplatin can cause several side effects, including bone marrow suppression, leading to an increased risk of infection and bleeding, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and allergic reactions.

4. What type of cancer does carboplatin treat?

Carboplatin is primarily used to treat ovarian and lung cancer. It is also useful for other types of cancer, such as breast, bladder, and testicular cancer, but this depends on individual cases. 

5. What organs does cisplatin affect?

Cisplatin primarily affects the kidneys, ears, and nerves. It can also impact bone marrow, leading to decreased blood cell production.


1. “Cisplatin.” Cancer gov. 
2. “Carboplatin.” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation. 

Image Courtesy:

1. “Cisplatin-stereo” By Benrr101 – Own work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Carboplatin-skeletal” By en:user:catclock – Own work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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