What is the Difference Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

The main difference between crystal field theory and molecular orbital theory is that crystal field theory explains the bonding in terms of ligands’ electrostatic interactions with the metal’s d orbitals, leading to energy-level splitting and the promotion of electrons to higher energy levels, whereas molecular orbital theory explains bonding by forming molecular orbitals from linear combinations of atomic orbitals.

Crystal Field Theory (CFT) and Molecular Orbital Theory (MO Theory) are two fundamental concepts in the field of inorganic and coordination chemistry.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Crystal Field Theory 
      – Definition, Principles, Role
2. What is Molecular Orbital Theory
      – Definition, Principles, Role
3. Similarities Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory
      – Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Crystal Field Theory, CFT, Molecular Orbital Theory, MO Theory

Difference Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory - Comparison Summary

What is Crystal Field Theory

Crystal field theory (CFT) is a fundamental concept in the field of inorganic chemistry, particularly applied to transition metal complexes and coordination compounds. CFT is a qualitative model that provides valuable insights into the behavior of metal ions in coordination environments. It explains the electronic structure and properties of these compounds.

Crystal field theory is based on several fundamental principles:

  1. Electronegative Ligands: In CFT, ligands are considered as point charges that carry a negative charge. The negatively charged ligands repel the negatively charged electrons in the metal’s d orbitals.
  2. Energy Splitting: When ligands surround metal ions, the electrostatic repulsion between the ligands and the d electrons causes the d orbitals to split into two energy levels. These energy levels are often referred to as the “eg” (higher energy) and “t2g” (lower energy) sets of orbitals.
  3. Spectrochemical Series: CFT introduces the spectrochemical series, which ranks ligands based on their ability to cause energy splitting in the d orbitals. Strong field ligands, such as cyanide (CN-) and carbon monoxide (CO), cause significant energy splitting, while weak field ligands, like chloride (Cl-) and water (H2O), result in smaller energy differences.
  4. Ligand Field Theory: CFT is closely related to Ligand Field Theory, which takes into account the molecular orbitals formed by the combination of ligand and metal orbitals. Ligand Field Theory provides a more comprehensive understanding of the electronic structure of coordination complexes.

Crystal Field Theory vs Molecular Orbital Theory

Role of Crystal Field Theory

Crystal field theory holds significant importance in the realms of inorganic chemistry and materials science, offering valuable insights into various facets of transition metal complexes. It explains the colors exhibited by these complexes through electron transitions between energy orbitals. CFT also elucidates magnetic properties, distinguishing between paramagnetic and diamagnetic complexes based on electron configurations. Moreover, it aids in predicting stability and reactivity, particularly in biological systems and catalytic processes. CFT further clarifies the preferences for geometric isomerism in coordination compounds, such as in octahedral complexes.

What is Molecular Orbital Theory

Molecular orbital theory (MO theory) is a fundamental concept in the field of quantum chemistry that provides a quantum mechanical description of the electronic structure of molecules and chemical bonding. It offers a comprehensive and quantitative understanding of how atomic orbitals combine to form molecular orbitals, which influence the properties and behavior of molecules.

Molecular orbital theory is based on several fundamental principles and concepts:

  1. Atomic Orbitals: MO theory starts with atomic orbitals, which are wave functions that describe the probability distribution of an electron around a single atom. The most commonly used atomic orbitals include s, p, d, and f orbitals.
  2. Molecular Orbitals: In MO theory, molecular orbitals are linear combinations of atomic orbitals that describe the distribution of electrons within a molecule. MOs can be bonding (lower in energy) or antibonding (higher in energy).
  3. Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals: The formation of molecular orbitals is achieved by mathematically combining atomic orbitals from the constituent atoms. The linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) creates molecular orbitals, emphasizing the overlap of atomic orbitals between atoms.
  4. Bonding and Antibonding Orbitals: When atomic orbitals combine constructively, they create bonding molecular orbitals that are associated with electron density between the nuclei. Conversely, when atomic orbitals combine destructively, they form antibonding molecular orbitals.
  5. Filling of Molecular Orbitals: Electrons are added to molecular orbitals following the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rule, and the Aufbau principle. Electrons occupy the lowest energy molecular orbitals available, with a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins per orbital.

Compare Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

Role of Molecular Orbital Theory

Molecular orbital theory is a foundational concept in chemistry. It is widely applied to understand the electronic structure, stability, reactivity, and properties of molecules. It offers a comprehensive explanation of chemical bonding, encompassing covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds, and elucidates the formation of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds as well as multiple bonds. MO theory also aids in predicting molecular geometry and bond angles by analyzing the electron distribution in molecular orbitals. It plays a crucial role in interpreting electronic spectroscopy, such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, shedding light on electronic transitions. Additionally, MO theory clarifies magnetic properties, distinguishing paramagnetic from diamagnetic molecules. It facilitates the prediction of molecular stability, reactivity, and various properties like ionization energy, electron affinity, bond dissociation energy, and electronegativity.

Similarities Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

  • CFT and MO Theory are both concerned with explaining the electronic structure of molecules and coordination complexes.

Difference Between Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory


Crystal field theory is a qualitative model that primarily focuses on the electrostatic interactions between metal d orbitals and the point charges created by surrounding ligands. Molecular orbital theory is a quantitative, quantum mechanical model that considers the wave-like properties of electrons and provides a detailed description of molecular electronic structure.


CFT primarily considers the electrostatic interactions between the metal’s d orbitals and ligands’ point charges, while MO Theory accounts for the overlap of atomic orbitals from both metal and ligands, leading to the formation of molecular orbitals that involve contributions from all atoms in the molecule.


CFT is a qualitative model that provides a broad understanding of color, magnetism, and stability in coordination complexes. MO Theory is a quantitative model capable of predicting bond strengths, molecular properties, and electronic transitions with a high degree of accuracy.

FAQ: Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

Why molecular orbital theory is better than crystal field theory?

Molecular Orbital Theory is considered better than Crystal Field Theory because it provides a more comprehensive and accurate description of the electronic structure and bonding in molecules, taking into account both covalent and ionic aspects. MO theory offers a more detailed and versatile framework for explaining the properties and behavior of molecules, especially in cases involving complex chemical bonds and molecular geometries. However, it is more mathematically complex and computationally demanding than Crystal Field Theory, which is simpler and often sufficient for explaining the behavior of coordination compounds with metal ions.

What are the advantages of LFT over CFT?

The advantages of LFT (Literal Field Theory) over CFT (Crystal Field Theory) include its ability to provide a more accurate and comprehensive description of the electronic structure of molecules, which accounts for the directional nature of covalent bonds and molecular orbitals. LFT better explains the properties and behavior of molecules, especially in cases involving complex chemical bonds and molecular geometries. However, it is more mathematically complex and computationally demanding than CFT.

What are the limitations of MOT?

Limitations of Molecular Orbital Theory include its computational complexity for large molecules, challenges in accurately describing certain electron correlation effects, and its heavy reliance on approximations. Additionally, MO Theory is not as intuitive for explaining properties like color and magnetic behavior in transition metal complexes, whereas Crystal Field Theory (CFT) may be more straightforward.


Crystal field theory explains the bonding in terms of ligands’ electrostatic interactions with the metal’s d orbitals, leading to energy-level splitting and the promotion of electrons to higher energy levels. In contrast, molecular orbital theory explains bonding by forming molecular orbitals from linear combinations of atomic orbitals. Thus, this is the main difference between crystal field theory and molecular orbital theory.


1. “Crystal Field Theory.” Byju’s.
2. “Molecular Orbital Theory.” Byju’s.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Crystal-field” By Tem5psu – Own work (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Ammonia MO diagram” By Tem5psu – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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