What is the Difference Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis

The main difference between direct and indirect organogenesis is that direct organogenesis involves the direct development of shoots or roots from the explant without an intermediate callus phase. In contrast, indirect organogenesis involves in forming a callus followed by the regeneration of shoots or roots.

Organogenesis is the process by which organs or organ-like structures develop in an organism. It involves the differentiation and growth of cells into specialized tissues that make up specific organs. There are two types of organogenesis; they are direct and indirect organogenesis.

Key Areas Covered 

1. What is Direct Organogenesis
    – Definition, Procedure, Advantages
2. What is Indirect Organogenesis
     – Definition, Procedure, Advantages
3. Similarities Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis
     – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Direct Organogenesis, Indirect Organogenesis

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis - Comparison Summary

What is Direct Organogenesis

Direct organogenesis is a plant tissue culture technique used for the propagation and regeneration of plants, bypassing the intermediate formation of callus tissue. It involves the direct differentiation of shoots, roots, or other plant organs from the explant (the piece of plant tissue used for propagation).

The process of direct organogenesis begins with the selection and preparation of the appropriate explant. The explant can be a small piece of shoot, leaf, root, or other plant tissue. Selecting a healthy and genetically stable explant is crucial to ensure successful regeneration. The explant is then placed on a nutrient-rich culture medium containing plant growth regulators, such as cytokinins and auxins, which play a vital role in inducting and regulating of organ formation.

Under suitable culture conditions, the explant undergoes dedifferentiation, a process where the cells lose their specialized characteristics and return to a totipotent state. This dedifferentiation allows the cells to regain their developmental plasticity and potential to differentiate into different plant organs. As a result, the explant undergoes direct differentiation, giving rise to shoots, roots, or other organs without the intermediate formation of callus tissue.

The success of direct organogenesis depends on the precise balance and interaction of growth regulators in the culture medium. Cytokinins, known for their role in promoting shoot formation, are often used at higher concentrations to stimulate shoot development. On the other hand, auxins, which promote root development, can be incorporated into the medium to induce root formation. The specific concentration and combination of growth regulators may vary depending on the plant species and tissue type used.

Compare Direct and Indirect Organogenesis - What's the difference?

Advantages of Direct Organogenesis

Direct organogenesis offers several advantages over other methods of plant tissue culture. One significant advantage is the speed and efficiency of organ formation. Since the callus phase is bypassed, the regeneration process is more direct and rapid. Shoots or roots can develop directly from the explant, reducing the time required for plant regeneration. This advantage is particularly important in commercial plant propagation, where large numbers of plants need to be produced in a short time frame.

Another advantage of direct organogenesis is the maintenance of genetic stability. Since the regenerative process occurs directly from the explant without an intermediate callus phase, there is a lower risk of somaclonal variation or genetic changes that may occur during the callus phase. This is crucial for producing clonal plants with predictable and consistent genetic traits.

Direct organogenesis finds wide applications in plant biotechnology and agriculture. It is commonly used for rapidly multiplying and propagating agricultural crops, horticultural plants, and ornamental plants. The technique allows for producing a large number of uniform plants with desirable characteristics, providing a reliable and efficient means of plant multiplication.

What is Indirect Organogenesis

Indirect organogenesis is a plant tissue culture technique used for the propagation and regeneration of plants, involving the formation of callus tissue as an intermediate step in the regeneration process. It is a multi-step process that allows the differentiation of shoots, roots, or other plant organs from undifferentiated callus tissue.

The process of indirect organogenesis involves selecting and preparing an explant, which is then cultured on a nutrient-rich medium with plant growth regulators. These growth regulators, such as auxins and cytokinins, promote the formation of callus tissue. The concentration and combination of growth regulators can be adjusted to optimize callus induction and growth.

Under suitable culture conditions, the explant undergoes dedifferentiation, forming an undifferentiated mass called callus tissue. The callus tissue consists of pluripotent cells capable of differentiating into various plant organs under specific culture conditions, including shoots, roots, or embryos.

After callus tissue formation, the next step is to induce organogenesis. This involves manipulating the culture conditions, such as adjusting the concentration and combination of growth regulators, to promote the differentiation of shoots or roots from the callus tissue. Higher levels of cytokinins stimulate shoot formation, while higher levels of auxins induce root formation.

During the induction phase, small primordial structures called organ primordia start to develop from the callus tissue. These primordia gradually grow and differentiate into shoots, roots, or other plant organs. Providing appropriate nutrients, vitamins, and hormones in the culture medium can further enhance the development of shoots and roots.

Advantages of Indirect Organogenesis

Indirect organogenesis offers several advantages in plant tissue culture. One significant advantage is its versatility in propagating and regenerating a wide range of plant species. It is particularly useful for plant species with limited regeneration capacity through direct organogenesis. Indirect organogenesis provides an alternative approach to stimulate the regeneration of shoots or roots from callus tissue, enabling the propagation of recalcitrant plant species.

Another advantage of indirect organogenesis is the ability to produce a large number of plants from a small amount of explant material. The callus tissue can be subcultured repeatedly, allowing plantlet multiplication and mass production. This advantage is valuable for commercial plant propagation, as it allows for the efficient production of a large number of uniform plants with desirable traits.

Similarities Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis

  • Both direct and indirect organogenesis involve in the regeneration of plant organs from plant tissue.
  • They require the manipulation of growth regulators in the culture medium to regulate the development and differentiation of plant organs.

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Organogenesis


Direct organogenesis refers to the process of plant regeneration and the formation of new organs (such as shoots or roots) directly from the explant (the piece of plant tissue used for propagation) without the intermediate formation of callus tissue. Indirect organogenesis, on the other hand, involves the formation of callus tissue as an intermediate step in the regeneration process.

Regeneration Pathway

In direct organogenesis, shoots or roots regenerate directly from the explant or tissue without forming an intermediate callus. In contrast, indirect organogenesis involves forming a callus, an undifferentiated mass of cells, before the regeneration of shoots or roots occurs.

Morphological Characteristics

Direct organogenesis often results in the formation of shoots or roots that closely resemble the original plant tissue in terms of morphology, structure, and genetic makeup. However, in indirect organogenesis, the regenerated shoots or roots may exhibit variations in morphology compared to the original tissue. The callus phase can lead to somaclonal variations, which are genetic and phenotypic variations resulting from tissue culture processes.

Efficiency and Speed

As it skips the callus phase, direct organogenesis typically shows faster and more efficient regeneration than indirect organogenesis. Indirect organogenesis involves forming and manipulating a callus, which can be time-consuming and less efficient than direct organogenesis.

Genetic Stability

Generally, direct organogenesis maintains a higher level of genetic stability than indirect organogenesis. This is because it bypasses the callus phase, reducing the opportunity for genetic and epigenetic changes to occur. Due to prolonged exposure to the callus phase, indirect organogenesis can result in somaclonal variations caused by cellular reprogramming and genetic rearrangements during this stage.

Preferred Applications

Direct organogenesis is often preferred for applications aiming to regenerate true-to-type plants with minimal genetic variations. It is commonly used for clonal propagation, micropropagation of elite plant varieties, and multiplication of valuable horticultural crops. Indirect organogenesis is more suitable for applications such as somatic embryogenesis, where the formation of embryos is desired, or for genetic transformation experiments where the callus can serve as a target tissue for gene transfer.


The main difference between direct and indirect organogenesis is that direct organogenesis involves the direct development of shoots or roots from the explant without an intermediate callus phase. In contrast, indirect organogenesis involves the formation of a callus followed by the regeneration of shoots or roots.


1. “Organogenesis – An Overview.” Science Direct.
2. “Applications of Organogenesis.” Plant Cell Technology.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Plant Tissue Culture” By via (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Flickr

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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