What is the Difference Between Endotherm and Homeotherm

The main difference between endotherm and homeotherm is that an endotherm is an animal that regulates its body temperature through metabolic processes, whereas a homeotherm is an animal that keeps constant body temperature.

Endotherm and homeotherm are two internal thermoregulation methods in animals. Internal thermoregulation contributes to the maintenance of homeostasis in animals.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Endotherm
– Definition, Features, Examples
2. What is Homeotherm
– Definition, Features, Examples
3. Similarities Between Endotherm and Homeotherm
– Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Endotherm and Homeotherm
– Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms 

Endotherm, Homeotherm

Difference Between Endotherm and Homeotherm - Comparison Summary

What is Endotherm

Endotherms (warm-blooded) are animals capable of internally generating heat. It means endotherms generate heat to maintain body temperature at an optimal value. Heat is generated in the internal organs. Thorax generates two third of the heat, and the brain generates 15% of the heat. Birds and mammals are the two types of endotherms. These animals maintain their body temperature independently from the temperature of their surroundings.

Compare Endotherm and Homeotherm

Figure 1: Endotherms 

Endotherms use metabolic reactions to generate heat, so they have a higher metabolic rate than ectotherms or cold-blooded animals. They consume more sugar and fats for survival under cold temperatures. The body of endotherms is covered with hair or fur to protect against cold temperatures. Endotherms shiver in the cold to generate heat from the muscles. Birds have feathers to conserve heat in cold temperatures.

What is Homeotherm

Homeotherm is an animal that maintains a stable body temperature. It is one of the three types of thermoregulation in warm-blooded animals. Endothermy and Tachymetabolism are the other two types of thermoregulation in warm-blooded animals. Endothermy regulates body temperature through the heat generated by metabolic reactions. In contrast, tachymetabolism is the maintenance of a high, resting metabolism. Also, the body temperature of a homeotherm does not depend on external influence. Significantly, their body temperature is higher than their immediate body temperature. Both mammals and birds are homeotherms. Also, lizards and Argentine black and white tegu are examples of homeotherm.

Endotherm vs Homeotherm

Figure 2: Mammals and Birds are Homeotherms

Moreover, poikilothermy is the opposite of homeothermy. Poikilotherm does not maintain a stable body temperature. Their body temperature fluctuates depending on the environment’s temperature and their physical behavior. On the other hand, homeothermic animals are not necessarily endothermic. Homeotherms can maintain their metabolism through behavioral changes. For example, desert lizards maintain their body temperature through their behavior. 

Similarities Between Endotherm and Homeotherm

  • Endotherm and homeotherm are two methods of internal thermoregulation of animals.
  • They allow us to maintain homeostasis in animals.
  • Both are warm-blooded animals.
  • They have a constant body temperature over time.
  • It does not vary with the environmental temperature.
  • They include mammals and birds.
  • They have a higher geological distribution, and their activity is high.
  • Also, they have high food requirements because their metabolic rate is high. 

Difference Between Endotherm and Homeotherm


Endotherm refers to an organism that maintains its body at a metabolically favorable temperature. In contrast, homeotherm refers to one being able to keep their body temperature at the same level despite changes in the temperature around.


Endotherm is an animal that regulates its body temperature through metabolic processes, while a homeotherm is an animal that keeps a constant body temperature.


Endotherms include humans, elephants, lions, and squirrels, while homeotherm animals include dogs, cows, hens, and penguins.


In brief, endotherms and homeotherms are two warm-blooded animals, including birds and mammals. Endotherm regulates their body temperature through their metabolism. Endotherms include humans and other animals like elephants, lions, and squirrels. In comparison, a homeotherm is an animal that regulates a constant body temperature. It does not depend on the environment or metabolism. Examples of homeotherms are dogs, cows, hens, and penguins. Therefore, the main difference between endotherms and homeotherms is the type of regulation of their body temperature.  

  1. 13: Homeostasis – thermoregulation. Biology LibreTexts. 
Image Courtesy:
  1. Wiki snake eats mouse” By Arno / Coen – Own work (CC-BY SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
  2. Phylogenetic-Groups” By TotoBaggins at English Wikipedia – Own Work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Lakna

Lakna, a graduate in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, is a Molecular Biologist and has a broad and keen interest in the discovery of nature related things. She has a keen interest in writing articles regarding science.

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