What is the Difference Between Function and Procedure in VB

The main difference between Function and Procedure is that Function is a procedure that performs a certain task and returns a value to the calling code while Procedure is a block of executable statements in the program. 

Visual Basic (VB.NET) is a programming language implemented on the .NET framework developed by Microsoft. It is a modern and general purpose programming language. It is helpful in developing efficient programs and it is easier to learn the language. Furthermore, VB provides various features such as the standard library, delegates, properties, events, indexers and many other features. Function and procedure are two concepts related to Visual Basic Programming.  All executable statements should be inside a procedure. Overall, Function, sub, and, operator are some types of procedures.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Function in VB
     – Definition, Functionality
2. What is Procedure in VB
     – Definition, Functionality
3. Difference Between Function and Procedure in VB
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Function, .NET Framework, Procedure, VB

Difference Between Function and Procedure in VB

What is Function in VB

A function is a procedure that is enclosed by the Function and End Function statements. A function performs a certain task and then returns the control to the calling code. When it passes the control, it also returns the value to the calling code. 

Difference Between Function and Procedure in VB

The programmer can create a function inside a module, class or structure. A function is public by default. Therefore, it is possible to call it from anywhere in the application that has access to the defined class, structure or module. Moreover, a function takes arguments such as variables, constants or expressions. The calling code passes these arguments.

The basic syntax of declaring a function in Visual Basic is as follows.

[Modifiers] Function FunctionName [(ParameterList)] As ReturnType 


End Function 

What is Procedure in VB

A procedure is a block of statements enclosed by a declaration statement and a matching end declaration. Each executable statement in the program is inside a procedure. The programmer can invoke the procedure from some other place in the code, which is called a procedure call. After complete executing, the procedure returns the control back to the code that invoked it. It is also called the calling code.

A procedure requires operating on various data when calling it. Therefore, the programmer can pass information to the procedure as a part of the procedure call. There can be zero or more parameters. Moreover, each parameter in the procedure defines an argument in the procedure call.

There are various types of procedures. Some of them are as follows.

Sub Procedure – It performs a certain action. It does not return a value to the calling code.

Event Handling Procedure – These procedures occur due to an event raised by user action or by the program.

Operator Procedure – It defines the behavior of a standard operator when one or both of the operands are a newly defined class or structure.

Property Procedure – It returns and assigns values of properties on objects or modules.

Overall, procedures help to divide the large program into a smaller unit. Thus, this makes the code more readable. Furthermore, procedures are also useful for performing tasks that repeat offers. They also make it easier to modify and debug the code easily.

Difference Between Function and Procedure in VB


A function is a procedure that enclosed by the Function and End Function statements. In contrast, a procedure is a block of Visual Basic statements enclosed by a declaration statement and a matching End declaration. Thus, this outlines the main difference between Function and Procedure.


A function helps to perform a contain task while procedure helps to make the code readable, easy to modify and debug. Hence, this is the functional difference between Function and Procedure.


Moreover, a function is a specific type of procedure whereas a procedure is a generalized type of function.


Function and Subroutine are used interchangeably in Visual Basic but they have a difference. The main difference between Function and Procedure is that Function is a procedure that performs a certain task and returns a value to the calling code while a procedure is a block of executable statements in the program. In brief, function is a procedure.


1.KathleenDollard. “Procedures in Visual Basic.” Microsoft Docs, Available here.
2.KathleenDollard. “Function Procedures (Visual Basic).” Microsoft Docs, Available here.

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1.”906838″ via Pixabay

About the Author: Lithmee

Lithmee holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Systems Engineering and is reading for her Master’s degree in Computer Science. She is passionate about sharing her knowldge in the areas of programming, data science, and computer systems.

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