What is the Difference Between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter

The main difference between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter is that Helper is a file with a set of functions in a particular category and is not written in Object Oriented format, while the Library is a class with a set of functions that allows creating an instance of that class and is written in Object Oriented format.

Generally, CodeIgniter is a PHP framework based on the Model, View and Controller (MVC) design pattern. In this approach, the model represents business logic, while the view represents user interfaces, and the controller manages the incoming requests. Furthermore, developers can maintain modular groups of the controller, model and views using CodeIgniter. In overall, it is a lightweight framework with clear documentation that allows developing and deploying applications.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Helper in CodeIgniter 
      – Definition, Functionality
2. What is Library in CodeIgniter 
     – Definition, Functionality
3. Difference Between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

CodeIgniter, Helper, Library, MVC, PHP

Difference Between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter - Comparison Summary

What is Helper in CodeIgniter

Helper is a file with a set of functions in a particular category. These helpers are not written in Object Oriented format. Instead, they are simple procedural functions. Moreover, a helper does not depend on other functions, and it only performs one specific task.  To use a helper, it is necessary to load it. Afterwards, it becomes available in the controller and views.

Difference Between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter

Usually, helpers are available in the system/helpers or application/helpers directory. CodeIgniter checks the application/helper directory first. If that directory does not exist or the specified helper does not exist, then the CodeIgniter will check the global system/helpers/ directory.

There are various types of helper available in CodeIgniter. Array Helper consists of functions required to perform operations on arrays. Cookie Helper contains functions necessary to work with cookies. Directory helper has functions to work with directories, and File helper allows accessing files. URL helper consists of functions to work with URLs, and the XML helper has functions to work with XML data. Furthermore, there are string helper, HTML helper, form helper, and text helper to support operations on string, HTML, forms and text respectively.

What is Library in CodeIgniter

The library is a class with functions or methods that allows creating an instance of that class. It is an important feature in CodeIgniter to increase the development speed of an application.

Libraries are located in the system/libraries/directory. If the programmer wants to use another library, then he can create it. Those created libraries are in application/libraries folder. Thus, this technique helps to separate local and global framework resources. Some common libraries are as follows.

The calendaring class allows for creating calendars dynamically while the encryption class provides two-way data encryption. FTP class helps to transfer files to a remote server, while the security class contains methods to create secure applications. Moreover, language class contains functions to retrieve language files, and migration class allows modifying the database easily.

Moreover, it is also possible to add some functionality to a native library. For example, if the programmer added one or two methods to a native library, the original library will be replaced with the newer version. Therefore, it is better to extend the class. Furthermore, naming the new file and class name the same as the native one will cause the CodeIgniter to access the new one. Therefore, the file and the class declaration should be the same as the native library.

Difference Between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter


The library is a collection of methods that can be used to assist a process. In contrast, Helper is a collection of functions placed in the folder system/helpers or applications/helpers.

Main Difference

Thus, the main difference between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter is that the Helper is a file with a set of functions in a particular category, while the Library is a class with a set of functions that allows creating an instance of that class.


Moreover, another important difference between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter is that the Helpers are not written in Object Oriented format while the Libraries are written in Object Oriented format.


String helper, file helper, Cookie helper, UML helper, form helper and HTML helper are some examples for Helpers whereas Calendaring class, Encryption class, FTP class, security class, language class and migration class are examples for migrations.


In brief, Helper and Library are two concepts in CodeIgniter. The main difference between Helper and Library in CodeIgniter is that the Helper is a file with a set of functions in a particular category and is not written in Object Oriented format, while the Library is a class with a set of functions that allows creating an instance of that class and is written Object Oriented format.


1.“Helper Functions¶.” Helper Functions – CodeIgniter 3.1.10 Documentation, Available here.
2.“Using CodeIgniter Libraries¶.” Using CodeIgniter Libraries – CodeIgniter 3.1.10 Documentation, Available here.
3.“CodeIgniter Library – Javatpoint.” Www.javatpoint.com, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1.”15331505770″ By Kovah (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr

About the Author: Lithmee

Lithmee holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Systems Engineering and is reading for her Master’s degree in Computer Science. She is passionate about sharing her knowldge in the areas of programming, data science, and computer systems.

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