What is the Difference Between Polonium and Plutonium

Polonium and plutonium are two types of radioactive materials. Radioactive elements are unstable atoms that emit energy and particles in a process called radioactive decay. This can transform them into different elements over time. Some occur naturally, like uranium, while others are created artificially (synthetically).

What is the difference between polonium and plutonium? Polonium is a post-transition metal, while plutonium is an actinide.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Polonium 
      – Definition, Features 
2. What is Plutonium
      – Definition, Features 
3. Similarities Between Polonium and Plutonium
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Polonium and Plutonium
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Polonium and Plutonium
      – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Polonium, Plutonium

Difference Between Polonium and Plutonium - Comparison Summary

What is Polonium

Polonium is a rare and radioactive material. It has a silvery white color, and it is metal. It emits alpha particles. Due to this radioactive nature, polonium is highly dangerous. Even very small amounts can cause radiation poisoning, even leading to death. It is in group 16 of the periodic table. It has both metallic and nonmetallic properties, but the metallic nature dominates. Chemically, polonium shares similarities with both tellurium and bismuth.  Polonium ions are formed when they are dissolved in dilute acids. Its solubility in alkalis is lower. The two allotropic forms of this element are both metallic. Moreover, its electrical conductivity decreases with increasing temperature.


polonium is highly toxic, but it also has some specific uses. Polonium ionizes the air. This makes it easier to remove static electricity. This quality is made use of in devices used in paper and plastic manufacturing industries. Polonium emits a significant amount of heat due to its radioactivity. Hence this, property is used as compact heat sources in space probes. When combined with certain light elements, polonium can be used as a neutron source.

What is Plutonium

Plutonium is a heavy radioactive element with an atomic number of 94. Its chemical symbol is Pu. It has a silvery gray appearance and is considered a metal. This metal tarnishes when exposed to air. It is produced in nuclear reactors. Plutonium undergoes nuclear fission. This process releases a huge amount of energy. Plutonium-239 is highly fissile and is the primary isotope used in atomic bombs.

Plutonium is a very toxic substance. Its radioactivity can cause severe health problems, including cancer. Plutonium has a long half-life, which means it remains radioactive for thousands of years.


Despite its toxicity, Plutonium is used in several applications. Plutonium-239 is a main component in nuclear reactors. It’s used in Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel, a combination of plutonium and uranium oxides. Plutonium-239 is also a fissile material, meaning it can sustain a nuclear chain reaction. Therefore, they are used to make components of nuclear weapons.

Similarities Between Polonium and Plutonium

  1. Both elements are highly radioactive.
  2. Exposure to both polonium and plutonium can lead to severe health consequences, including cancer.
  3. Neither polonium nor plutonium occurs naturally on Earth.
  4. Both elements pose major environmental risks due to their radioactivity.

Difference Between Polonium and Plutonium


  • Polonium is a rare and radioactive material with an atomic number of 84, while plutonium is a heavy radioactive element with an atomic number of 94.

Belongs To

  • Polonium belongs to group 16 (chalcogens), whereas plutonium belongs to the actinide series.


  • While polonium is a silvery-white metal, plutonium is a silvery-gray metal.


  • Polonium has limited use due to its extreme radioactivity, mainly in anti-static devices and as a heat source (historically). Plutonium, on the other hand, is mainly used in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.


Both polonium and plutonium are radioactive elements. Polonium is a post-transition metal, while plutonium is an actinide.  This is the main difference between polonium and plutonium. Both have different properties due to their chemical nature.

FAQ: Polonium and Plutonium

1. Is polonium the same as plutonium?

No, polonium and plutonium are different elements. Polonium is highly radioactive and emits alpha particles. Although plutonium is also radioactive, it has different properties.

2. What is the most toxic polonium?

Polonium-210 is the most toxic form of polonium. It’s a highly radioactive element, emitting alpha particles that cause severe cellular damage. A tiny amount ingested could be fatal.

3. Is polonium 204 curable?

Polonium-204 is not a naturally occurring isotope, and there is no known cure for radiation poisoning from polonium exposure.

4. What is the most radioactive thing on Earth?

Polonium is often considered the most radioactive element on Earth. A tiny amount can be deadly due to its intense radiation.

5. What foods are high in radiation?

Foods with naturally higher radiation levels include Brazil nuts, bananas, potatoes, carrots, and red meat. The amounts are tiny and harmless.


1. “Polonium.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 
2. “Plutonium.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 

Image Courtesy:

1. “Plutonium_ring” By Ralph E. Lapp – Lapp, Ralph E. (1965). LIFE (ed.). MATTER. LIFE Science Library.. Picture credit: Albert Fenn; copyright Time Inc., 1965. (Fair use) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Polonium” By Los Alamos National Laboratory – Scanned from: Christensen, Dana (1995). “The Future of Plutonium Technology”. Los Alamos Science (23): 170. (Attribution) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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