What is the Difference Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo

The main difference between ristretto espresso and lungo is the amount of water we use for them. Ristretto is made with half the water content you would use for espresso, while lungo is made with double the water content. Therefore, ristretto and lungo are opposite of each other.

Ristretto and lungo are two types of espresso coffee. Espresso is a type of strong black coffee made by forcing pressurized hot water through ground coffee beans. Espresso is more popular than both ristretto and lungo.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Ristretto 
     – Definition, Features
2. What is Espresso 
     – Definition, Features
3. What is Lungo
     – Definition, Features
4. What is the Relationship Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo
     – Definition, Features
5. What is the Difference Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo
    – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Espresso, Lungo, Ristretto

Difference Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo - Comparison Summary

What is a Ristretto

Ristretto is a highly concentrated espresso coffee. It has the same concentration of coffee ground as an espresso, but it’s extracted with a finer grind and uses half as much water. This limitation of water means that less water saturates the coffee grounds, which results in lower caffeine, but sweeter and richer flavour. A typical American ristretto recipe would contain 7 grams of coffee per 12.5-15ml of water.

Main Difference - Ristretto vs Espresso vs Lungo

Ristretto is less common than espresso, especially because of the smaller yield and lack of caffeine kick. The word ristretto means restricted in Italian and refers to the short (relatively) preparation time of the coffee.

What is an Espresso

Espresso is a fully-flavored and concentrated form of coffee served in small shots. Espresso is the base for many coffee beverages like Americano, Cappuccino, and café latte. Moreover, we make espresso from the same beans as coffee, but it’s thicker, stronger, and higher in caffeine. The difference is actually in the method of preparation. We can even describe espresso as a coffee-making method.

Difference Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo

Espresso is made by forcing pressurized hot water through finely-ground coffee powder using an espresso machine. Therefore, hot water, pressure, and coffee powder are decisive factors in espresso making. Since espresso has smaller servings than coffee, it contains less caffeine per serving.

What is a Lungo

Lungo is an espresso made with more water than normal. Therefore, this is a ‘long espresso’. In fact, this is another method of making coffee using an espresso machine, and the difference is the amount of water in the recipe. Instead of using half the amount of water like in ristretto, in lungo, we use double the normal amount of water. A typical recipe would involve 7 grams of coffee per 50ml of water.

Doubling the water ensures that more caffeine is extracted as well as deeper notes of the coffee. Like ristretto, lungo is less common than espresso. If you are looking to lower your caffeine intake, lungo is the way to go. 

Relationship Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo

  • Ristretto and lungo are two types of espresso coffee.
  • They use the same amount of ground coffee.
  • You may only identify the difference between them after tasting.

Difference Between Ristretto Espresso and Lungo


Espresso is a type of strong black coffee made by forcing pressurized hot water through ground coffee beans. Ristretto is a highly concentrated espresso coffee, while lungo is an espresso made with more water than normal.

Amount of Water

Ristretto has half the water content as espresso, while lungo has double the water content.

Caffeine Content

Ristretto has a lower caffeine content than espresso, while lungo has a lower caffeine content than both espresso and ristretto.


Espresso is more popular than lungo and ristretto.


In brief, the main difference between ristretto espresso and lungo is the amount of water in them. Ristretto is made with half the water content you would use for espresso, while lungo is made with double the water content. Therefore, ristretto and lungo are opposite of each other.

Image Courtesy:

1. “1606434” (CC0) via Pxhere
2. “5815750” (CC0) via Pixabay

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.

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