Difference Between Fair and Fare

Main Difference – Fair vs Fare

Although the two words fair and fare look and sound similar, they do not mean the same. Fair has a number of different meanings; fair, as an adjective, can mean unbiased, pleasant, pale, fine whereas the noun fair refers to an exhibition or a gathering of stalls. Fare, as a noun, refers to fees whereas the verb fare means to perform or get along. This is the main difference between fair and fare.

Fair – Meaning and Usage

As mentioned above fair has numerous meanings. As a noun, fair refers to 

A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment

My mother took us to the fair every year.

Our church organized a fair to raise funds.

As an adjective, fair means,

Unbiased, impartial

He can be trusted to give a fair judgment.

You’ll get a fair chance to explain your side of the story.

Pale, light Complexion or hair

That tall girl with fair hair is a friend of my sister’s.

He was a skinny, fair boy with large brown eyes.

Moderate or considerable in size or amount

He did a fair bit of singing.

Tracking down her friends and family took a fair amount of time.

Fine (weather)

One fine day, they decided to explore the beach.

It was a fair day in spring.

Main Difference - Fair vs Fare

A trade fair

Fare – Meaning and Usage

Fare can be used as a noun and a verb. As a noun, fare has two basic meanings. It can refer to,

Money paid for a journey on public transport

The airlines have doubled their fare during the course of the year.

What’s the bus fare from Calcutta to Delhi?

His son didn’t attend the funeral because he couldn’t afford the airfare.

A range of food of a particular type

They were offered a traditional Moroccan fare at the hotel.

The traditional aristocratic fare included many fancy foods.

As a verb, fare means to get along or perform in a particular way. This is an intransitive verb, which means that it is not followed by an object.

The communist party did not fare well in the elections.

How did you fare on your exam?

Difference Between Fair and Fare

They were served a traditional English fare.

Difference Between Fair and Fare

Grammatical Category 

Fair is a noun and an adjective.

Fare is a noun and a verb.


Fair refers to a gathering of stalls or an exhibition.

Fare refers to the money charged for a journey in the public transport or a range of food.


Fair can have different meanings such as pale, unbiased, moderate, pleasant, etc.

Fare is not an adjective.


Fair is not a verb.

Fare means to get on or perform in a specific way.Difference Between Fair and Fare - infographic

Image Courtesy:

” Trade Fair” by JATAWTF – JATAWTF (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia 

“Sunday Roast” (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia

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