Main Difference – Literary Criticism vs Literary Theory Literary criticism and literary...
Category - English Language
Why is Enjambment Used
What is Enjambment? Although the term enjambment may seem strange and new to you, this actually...
How to Count Syllables in a Poem
What are Syllables Syllables are the smallest unit of pronunciation. They contain at least one...
How to Apply Marxist Theory to Literature
What is Marxist Theory in Literature Marxist theory or Marxist criticism is one of the theories...
How to Find the Meter of a Poem
What is Meter in a Poem Meter is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables within the lines of...
How are Rhythm Meter and Feet Related
Rhythm is what gives sound to poetry. Poets use different literary elements in different ways to...
What are the Stock Characters in Melodrama
A melodrama is a dramatic or literary work which has a sensational and dramatic plot, which is...
How to Use Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia – Definition and Examples Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from the sound...
How Did Nationalism Influence the Artistic Movements
Before going into the main focus of this article; that is, ‘how did nationalism influence the...
What is Refrain in Poetry
Refrain in poetry is a repeated part of a poem that appears either at the end of a stanza or...