The main difference between Cut Paste and Copy Paste is that Cut Paste will remove the original content from the document and place it in a new location while Copy Paste inserts the content to a new location without removing the original content.
When using applications such as MS Word, the user has to perform various activities such as opening, saving, closing files, creating charts, and, adding smart art. Sometimes it is necessary to modify the content of a document. Cut Paste and Copy Paste are commonly used when working with this software. Cut removes the selected data from the original position while Copy duplicates it. In both cases, that data is temporarily stored to the clipboard.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is Cut Paste
– Functionality, Methods
2. What is Copy Paste
– Functionality, Methods
3. Difference Between Cut Paste and Copy Paste
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Applications, Cut, Copy, Computer, Paste
What is Cut Paste
Cut Paste allows to remove a section of text or another element from the document and paste it into somewhere else in the same document or to a different document. There are several ways to achieve this task.
Method 1
- Highlight the necessary content.
- Click the right mouse button.
- From the drop-down list, select the option cut. Then that content disappears from the document.
- Go to the required location. This can be in the same document or a different document.
- Place the Cursor.
- Click the right mouse button again.
- From the drop-down list, select the paste option. The user can see the previously disappeared content in the new location.

Figure 1: Drop-down list to select options such as Cut, copy and Paste
Method 2
- Highlight the required content.
- Press Control (ctrl) and X keys together on the keyboard. This will cut the content and it will disappear from the document.
- Go to the required location.
- Place the cursor.
- Press Control (ctrl) and V keys together on the keyboard. The user can view the previously disappeared content in the new location.
Method 3
- Highlight the necessary content.
- Click on the cut tool (scissor symbol) on the Home Tab of the ribbon.
- Go to the required location.
- Place the cursor.
- Click on the paste option on the Home Tab of the ribbon.
These are some common ways to perform cut and paste.
What is Copy Paste
Copy paste helps to keep the original content as it is and paste the same content in somewhere else, either in the same document or in a different document. There are several ways to accomplish this task.
Method 1
- Highlight the necessary content.
- Click the right mouse button.
- From the drop-down list, select the option copy.
- Go to the required location.
- Place the Cursor.
- Click the right mouse button again.
- From the drop-down list, select the paste option. The user can see the original content in the new location.
Method 2
- Highlight the required content.
- Press Control (ctrl) and C keys together in the keyboard. This is to copy the content.
- Go to the required location.
- Place the cursor
- Press Control (ctrl) and V keys together in the keyboard. The user can see the original content in the new location.
Method 3
- Highlight the necessary content.
- Click on the copy icon on the Home Tab of the ribbon.
- Go to the required location. This can be in the same document or a different document.
- Place the cursor.
- Click on the paste option on the Home Tab of the ribbon.

Figure 2: Cut, copy and Paste in the Home Tab
These are some common ways to perform Copy and Paste. One important point to note in the Copy Paste is that this function does not affect the original content. The content remains the same in the previous location. A duplicate of that original content is created on the new location.
Difference Between Cut Paste and Copy Paste
Cut and Paste is an option that allows the user to remove content from the document and place it in some other location of the same document or in a different document. On the other hand, the Copy Paste is an option that allows the user to place content into a new location without affecting the original content.
Keyboard Short Cuts
In Cut Paste, to cut, the user should press ctrl and X keys together in the keyboard and to paste, the user should press ctrl and V keys together. In Copy Paste, to perform copy, the user should press ctrl and C keys together in the keyboard and, for paste, ctrl and V keys together.
Original Content
The Cut Paste will remove the original content from the document but Copy Paste will not remove the original content from the document.
The difference between Cut Paste and Copy Paste is that Cut Paste will remove the original content from the document and place it in a new location while Copy Paste inserts the content to a new location without removing the original content.
1.“Cut, Copy, and Paste.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 June 2018, Available here.
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