Main Difference – Passé Composé vs Imparfait
Passé Composé and Imparfait are the two past tenses in the French language. In this article, we hope to discuss the formation, usage and the difference between these two tenses. The main difference between Passé Composé and Imparfait is that Passé Composé is used to narrate a specific action in the past whereas Imparfait is used to describe past situations.
What is Passé Composé
Passe Composé is the most common French past tense. It can be used to talk about,
An action completed in the past
J’ai déjà mangé. – I’ve already eaten.
An action that was repeated a number of times in the past
J’ai visité Paris plusieurs fois.– I have been to Paris several times.
A series of actions completed in the past
Mardi, il a vu son père, a parlé au médicin et a trouvé un chien. – Tuesday, he saw his father, talked to his doctor and found a dog.
Passe Composé is not a simple tense, it is a compound conjugation. it is made with an auxiliary (avoir or être) and past participle of the main verb.
The verbs, Arriver, Partir, Descendre, Monter, Venir, Aller, Entrer, Sortir, Naître, Mourir, Tomber, Rester and Retourner and pronominal verbs are conjugated with être verb. All other verbs are conjugated with avoir.
Aimer (with Avoir as the Auxilary verb)
J’ ai aimé
Tu as aimé
Il/Elle/On a aimé
Nous avons aimé
Vous avez aimé
Ils/Elles ont aimé
Venir (with être as the Auxilary verb)
Je suis venu(e)
Tu es venu(e)
Il est venu
Elle est venue
Nous sommes venu(e)s
Vous venu(e)(s)
Ils venus
Elles venues

J’ai visité tour de Eiffel plusieurs fois. (I’ve been to the Eiffel tower several times.)
What is Imparfait
Imparfait is a descriptive past tense that is mostly used with incomplete actions. It can be used to talk about,
Habitual actions in the past
Quand j’étais petite, j’aimais beaucoup les gâteaux. – When I was little, I used to love cake.
Description of a situation/background in the past: time, weather, age, feelings
Il était midi et il faisait beau. – It was noon and the weather was nice.
Actions or states of an unspecified duration
Elle espérait te voir avant ton départ. – She was hoping to talk to you before you left.
Unlike passé Composé conjugation, imparfait conjugation is very easy. First conjugate the verb to the present indicative nous form and drop the –ons ending. Then add the following endings according to the noun.
Person | Endings | Aimer | Venir | être |
je | -ais | j’aimais | je venais | j’étais |
tu | -ais | tu aimais | tu venais | tu étais |
il/elle/on | -ait | il/elle aimait | il/elle venait | il/elle était |
nous | -ions | nous aimions | nous venions | nous étions |
vous | -iez | vous aimiez | vous veniez | vous étiez |
ils/elles | -aient | ils/elles aimaient | ils/elles venaient | ils/elles étaient |

Quand il était petit, il aimait les sucettes. (When he was little, he used to love lollipops.)
Difference Between Passé Composé and Imparfait
Passé Composé is used to describe an action that has been already completed.
Imparfait is used to describe an incomplete action in the past.
Passé Composé narrates specific events.
Imparfait describes past situations.
Passé Composé is used for a single action or a series of actions.
Imparfait is used for habitual actions.
Passé Composé is a compound tense; it consists of the auxiliary verb and the past participle of the main verb.
Imparfait is relatively easy to conjugate.