Main Difference – Salmonella Typhi vs Paratyphi
Enteric fever is a combined term which refers to both typhoid and paratyphoid fever. This condition vastly affects over millions of people every year, particularly in developing and underdeveloped parts of the world, owing to overcrowding, poor sanitary facilities and many other social chaos. The main difference between Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi is the diseases they cause; Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever, and Salmonella paratyphi causes paratyphoid fever. These conditions can be treated well with timely diagnosis and proper therapeutic interventions although some patients might end up in long-term complications due to poor response to treatment, delayed treatment or incorrect diagnosis.
This article explores,
1.What is Salmonella Typhi?
– Disease Caused, Invasion and Spreading
2.What is Salmonella Paratyphi?
– Disease Caused, Invasion and Spreading
3. What is the difference between Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi?
What is Salmonella Typhi
Salmonella Typhi is the bacteria, which is responsible for causing Typhoid fever. The primary route of entry of this bacteria is through feco-oral pathway due to improper hygiene and sanitation. Bacteria entering into the small intestine will invade the blood circulation and enter into organs like liver, spleen and bone marrow where they get extensively multiplied. Hundreds and thousands of multiplied bacteria will re-enter the blood circulation, thereby invading each and every system of the body, causing generalised signs and symptoms which are very vague to be diagnosed just by using a clinical history.

What is Salmonella Paratyphi
Salmonella Paratyphi is the bacteria, responsible for causing Paratyphoid fever which is less invasive and severe than Typhoid fever.
Major route of entry of this bacteria is through feco-oral pathway due to improper hygiene and sanitation. Bacteria entering into the small intestine will invade the blood circulation and enter into organs like liver, spleen and bone marrow where they get extensively multiplied. Hundreds and thousands of multiplied bacteria will re-enter the blood circulation, thereby invading each and every system of the body causing generalised signs and symptoms which are very vague to be diagnosed just by using a clinical history.
Difference Between Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi
Disease Caused
Salmonella typhi is the bacterial agent responsible for causing typhoid fever.
Salmonella paratyphi is the organism responsible for causing paratyphoid fever.
As far as the global situation is considered, Salmonella typhi is highly prevalent than Salmonella paratyphi due to relatively higher resources necessary for it to grow and multiply.
Genetics and Phenotypes
Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi are known to be distinct from one another in the aspects of genetics and phenotypes, thus resulting in different invasiveness and resistance to antibiotic therapy.
The major modality of diagnosing these two bacterial types can be done with the help of a stool culture where each organism can be isolated and multiplied so that the specific management can be initiated and carried out accordingly.
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