What is the Difference Between Book and Textbook

The main difference between book and textbook is that textbooks have a purely educational purpose while books may have different purposes.

There are different types of books in bookshops; these can include novels, dictionaries, notebooks, encyclopedias, atlases, etc. Books can be both fiction and non-fiction. Therefore, books have two different purposes, i.e., entertainment and providing knowledge and education. Textbooks fall into the category of non-fiction. They are specially designed for the purpose of education.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is a Book 
     – Definition, Types, Purpose
2. What is a Textbook
     – Definition, Purpose
3.What are the Similarities Between Book and Textbook
     – Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Book and Textbook
    – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Book, Non-Fiction, Textbook

Difference Between Book and Textbook - Comparison Summary

What is a Book

The term ‘book’ is a very general one. A book can be defined as a written, printed, illustrated work or blank sheet consisting of pages fasten together along one side and bound in covers. This definition includes various types of publications, including notebooks, dictionaries, textbooks of different subjects, encyclopedias, poetry books, novels, atlases, etc. In the modern context, books can also refer to e-books, which are book publications in digital form. Moreover, books can also refer to a work of literature. In general, books can be broadly categorized as fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is literature that describes imaginary or fabricated events, stories, and people. Short stories, novels, novellas, and poetry are some examples of fiction. In contrast, non-fiction is literature that is informative and factual. Biographies, encyclopedia and other types of factual writing belong to this category.

Main Difference - Book vs Textbook

All in all, books are one of the main sources of information we have. They can provide information in the format of text, pictures, graphs, tables, maps, etc. We can gather various types of information on a range of theoretical and practical subjects from books.

What is a Textbook

A textbook is a book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject. In other words, it is a book containing facts about a particular subject – we use this book when we are studying that particular subject. For example, if you are learning chemistry, you may use a textbook on chemistry. Similarly, if you are learning English grammar, you will need a textbook on English grammar.

Difference Between Book and Textbook

Textbooks are created to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Their function is not limited to teaching; they are capable of providing practice and highlighting areas which need more learning. Some textbooks practice questions and answers so that students can test their knowledge and learning. Moreover, textbooks are now available in both print and digital form.

Similarities Between Book and Textbook

  • Textbooks are a type of nonfiction books.
  • They are available in both print and digital versions.

Difference Between Book and Textbook


A book is a  written, printed, illustrated work or blank sheet consisting of pages fasten together along one side and bound in covers while a textbook is a book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject


Textbooks have a purely academic purpose while books have different purposes – entertainment, knowledge, education, etc.


Books have various subjects while textbooks are centred on a particular academic subject.

Fiction vs Non-fiction

Moreover, books can be fiction or non-fiction, while textbooks fall under the category of non-fiction.


Textbooks fall into the category of non-fiction as they are specially designed for the purpose of education. The main difference between book and textbook is that textbooks have a purely educational purpose while books may have different purposes.

Image Courtesy:

1. “1197068” (CC0) via Pxhere
2. “Textbook Book Math Free Photo” (CC0) via Needpix

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.

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