What is the Difference Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes

Fullerene and carbon nanotubes are two types of allotropes. Allotropes are different structural forms of the same element. Properties of different allotropes of the same element are different due to the difference in their atomic arrangement.

What is the difference between fullerene and carbon nanotubes? Fullerenes are spherical or cage-like structures, whereas carbon nanotubes are cylindrical.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Fullerene 
      – Definition, Features 
2. What are Carbon Nanotubes
      – Definition, Features 
3. Similarities Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes
      – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Fullerene, Carbon Nanotubes

Difference Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes - Comparison Summary

What is Fullerene

Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon. It is entirely made up of carbon. Its structure is spherical or tubular. The spherical structure includes a network of pentagons and hexagons. They are also called buckyballs or bucky tubes. The arrangement of fullerene makes it highly stable. They also have very good strength and are resistant to heat. Fullerene can also form stable structures (complexes) with other molecules, such as drugs and biologically active compounds.


Fullerene has many uses due to its chemical and mechanical properties. Fullerene-based coatings provide high stability, heat, and chemical resistance. Fullerene-based lubricants can reduce friction. It is also useful in making bulletproof vests.

Fullerene is used along with solar cells to increase their efficiency. Fullerene is also useful in drug delivery to target cells. It can increase the performance and capacity of batteries. In addition, it can be used to store hydrogen gas.

What are Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrical structures composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Single-walled nanotubes and multi-walled nanotubes are the two types of nanotubes. In single-walled nanotubes, there is only one layer of carbon atoms. In multi-walled nanotubes, there are multiple concentric layers. This unique arrangement of the structure of nanotubes gives them properties such as high strength and stiffness, high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, lightweight, and large surface area. The chirality determines the structure and properties of a carbon nanotube. Chirality refers to the way the hexagonal lattice is rolled up.

Carbon Nanotubes

There are many uses for carbon nanotubes. They are useful in creating transistors, field emission displays, lithium-ion batteries, superconductors, solar cells, drug delivery systems, water filtration, and the production of strong, lightweight sports equipment.

Similarities Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes

  1. Both are allotropes of carbon atoms.
  2. They are entirely made of carbon atoms.
  3. Both have hexagonal structures in the lattice.
  4. Both have very strong mechanical properties.

Difference Between Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes


  • Fullerene is a closed, cage-like, ball-shaped structure composed of 60 carbon atoms. In contrast, a carbon nanotube is a hollow, cylindrical tube-like structure.


  • Fullerene is spherical or ellipsoidal, whereas carbon nanotube is cylindrical.


  • Fullerene is small and compact, while carbon nanotubes are long and thin.


  • Fullerene is often produced through arc discharge or laser ablation, whereas carbon nanotube can be synthesized through various methods, including chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and arc discharge.


Nanotubes and fullerenes are two allotropes of carbon with different structures. The main difference between fullerene and carbon nanotubes is that fullerenes are spherical or cage-like structures, whereas carbon nanotubes are cylindrical. Their distinct structural arrangements give them unique properties, making them suitable for various applications in material science, medicine, and electronics.

FAQ: Fullerene and Carbon Nanotubes

1. What is fullerene used for?

Fullerenes, especially C60, have several uses because of their special properties. They can carry medicines to targeted areas in the body, help strengthen and improve materials, and are useful in solar panels and electronic devices.

2. What are nanotubes used for?

Nanotubes are used in electronics, material science, medicine, and in applications such as composites and transistors. These uses are due to the exceptional properties of nanotubes, such as hardness, conductivity, and light weight.

3. Why are nanotubes used as lubricants?

Nanotubes are used as lubricants because they have minimal friction, resist wear and tear, and can penetrate small spaces, providing effective lubrication. Their unique structure allows them to create a smooth surface and reduce friction more efficiently than traditional lubricants.

4. Is fullerene a nanoparticle?

Yes, fullerene is a nanoparticle. Fullerenes are molecules composed of carbon atoms arranged in a spherical or cylindrical shape, with sizes typically in the nanometer range.

5. Why are nanotubes strong?

Nanotubes are strong because their carbon atoms are bonded together in a hexagonal lattice structure, which is highly stable. Due to this arrangement of the structure, nanotubes withstand high pressure and stress.


1. “Carbon Nanotube“. Science Direct.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Fullerene-C70-3D-balls” By Jynto (talk) – created with Discovery Studio Visualizer. (CC0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Types of Carbon Nanotubes” By User Mstroeck on en.wikipedia – Originally from en.wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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