What is the Difference Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature

The main difference between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature is that  Curie temperature is the temperature at which ferromagnetic or paramagnetic materials lose their magnetic properties, while Neel temperature is the temperature at which antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials lose their magnetic order.

Curie temperature and Neel temperature are two important concepts in the field of magnetism. Both these temperatures represent distinct temperature points at which magnetic materials undergo significant changes.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Curie Temperature 
     – Definition, Magnetism
2. What is Neel Temperature
     – Definition, Magnetism
3. Similarities Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature
     – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Curie Temperature, Neel Temperature

Difference Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature - Comparison Summary

What is Curie Temperature

The Curie temperature, named after Pierre Curie, represents the critical temperature at which a material undergoes a phase transition and loses its permanent magnetic properties.

Nature of Magnetism

To understand the concept of Curie Temperature, we first need to explore the nature of magnetism in materials. There are several types of magnetism, including ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and ferrimagnetism. Each type is characterized by the behavior of the material’s magnetic moments, which are tiny regions within the material where the magnetic fields align. Ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, possess spontaneous magnetization even in the absence of an external magnetic field. The magnetic moments in these materials are aligned in the same direction, forming distinct domains. These domains contribute to the overall magnetic properties of the material. Paramagnetic materials, on the other hand, exhibit weak magnetic behavior and are attracted to an external magnetic field. The magnetic moments in paramagnetic materials are randomly oriented in the absence of a magnetic field. When a field is applied, the moments align with the field direction, leading to weak magnetization.

Curie Temperature in Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Materials

The Curie temperature is relevant to both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic materials. For ferromagnetic materials, the Curie temperature represents the temperature at which thermal energy disrupts the alignment of the magnetic domains. As the temperature rises above the Curie temperature, the thermal energy overcomes the exchange interactions between the magnetic moments, leading to a disordered arrangement. This disorder causes the net magnetization to decrease, ultimately resulting in a loss of permanent magnetization.

Compare Curie Temperature vs Neel Temperature - What's the difference?

Figure 1: Below the Curie temperature, ferromagnetic materials exhibit a phenomenon where neighboring magnetic spins align parallel to each other in the absence of an external magnetic field.

The Curie temperature is a material-specific property and varies depending on the composition and structure of the material. For instance, iron has a Curie temperature of 1043 Kelvin (770 degrees Celsius), while nickel has a Curie temperature of 627 Kelvin (354 degrees Celsius).

The Curie temperature has profound implications in various fields. In technology, it is essential for the design and operation of magnetic devices and storage systems. Magnetic hard drives, for example, rely on materials with high Curie temperatures to ensure stable magnetization at elevated temperatures. If the Curie temperature is too low, the magnetic information stored on the hard drive could be lost when exposed to high temperatures.

Curie temperature also allows scientists to study the magnetic behavior of materials and investigate phase transitions. By analyzing the changes in magnetic properties as a function of temperature, researchers can gain insights into the underlying physics of magnetic materials. Furthermore, studying the Curie temperature contributes to understanding fundamental concepts in condensed matter physics. The behavior of magnetic materials near the Curie temperature is a topic of interest, as it is associated with critical phenomena and the emergence of new physical properties.

What is Neel Temperature

The Néel temperature, named after Louis Néel, is a critical temperature associated with certain magnetic materials. It represents the temperature at which an antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material undergoes a phase transition, losing its magnetic order.

Nature of Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic Materials

To understand the Néel temperature, we need to explore the nature of antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials. In antiferromagnetic materials, adjacent magnetic moments are aligned in opposite directions, resulting in a net magnetization of zero. An exchange interaction between neighboring atoms or ions usually achieves this alignment. On the other hand, ferrimagnetic materials have two sublattices with magnetic moments in opposite directions but different magnitudes. As a result, a net magnetization is observed, although it is smaller than in ferromagnetic materials.

Neel Temperature in Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic Materials

In both antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials, the Néel temperature represents the temperature at which thermal energy disrupts the magnetic ordering. As the temperature rises above the Néel temperature, the thermal agitation overcomes the exchange interactions, causing a disordering of the magnetic moments.

Néel temperature provides insights into the behavior of magnetic materials and the principles of magnetism. It allows scientists to explore phase transitions and critical phenomena associated with magnetic ordering.

Curie Temperature vs Neel Temperature

Figure 2: Curie and Neel Points

Technologically, the Néel temperature plays a significant role in the design and functionality of magnetic devices. For instance, understanding the Néel temperature is crucial in the development of magnetic storage devices, such as magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) or magnetic recording media. By selecting materials with appropriate Néel temperatures, engineers can ensure stable magnetization and reliable operation of these devices.

Moreover, the Néel temperature has connections to other fields of study, such as spintronics and magnonics. Spintronics is concerned with utilizing the spin of electrons for information processing and storage. The Néel temperature is a parameter that influences the behavior of magnetic spins and is, therefore, relevant for spintronics applications. In the field of magnonics, which focuses on the study and manipulation of spin waves, the Néel temperature plays a role in determining the properties and dynamics of spin waves in antiferromagnetic materials.

 Similarities Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature

  • Both Curie temperature and Néel temperature mark the occurrence of a phase transition in magnetic materials.
  • The Curie temperature and the Néel temperature are specific temperatures that are material-dependent.
  • Both temperatures are intrinsic properties of the magnetic material under consideration.

Difference Between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature


Curie temperature is the temperature at which certain materials undergo a phase transition from a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic state to a paramagnetic state. Neel temperature refers to the temperature at which a material undergoes a magnetic phase transition known as the Neel transition.


Curie temperature is associated with the transition from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism in ferromagnetic materials, while Neel temperature is associated with the transition from antiferromagnetism to paramagnetism in antiferromagnetic materials.


Curie temperature and Neel temperature are two important concepts in the field of magnetism. The main difference between Curie Temperature and Neel Temperature is that  Curie temperature is the temperature at which ferromagnetic or paramagnetic materials lose their magnetic properties, while Neel temperature is the temperature at which antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials lose their magnetic order.


1. “Curie Point.” Encyclopedia Britannica.
2. “Neel Temperature.” Encyclopedia Britannica.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Diagram of Ferromagnetic Magnetic Moments” By ACGrain at English Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Susceptibility” By Petergans (talk) – I (Petergans (talk)) (CC0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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