The main difference between forebrain midbrain and hindbrain is that forebrain is the main division of the brain responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, controlling motor functions, thinking, perceiving, producing, and understanding language, midbrain is responsible for motor control, vision, hearing, sleep and wakefulness, and temperature regulation, whereas hindbrain is responsible for the respiration and heart rate.
Generally, the three components of the brain are the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system of humans and other animals.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is Forebrain
– Definition, Anatomy, Function
2. What is Midbrain
– Definition, Anatomy, Function
2. What is Hindbrain
– Definition, Anatomy, Function
3. Similarities Between Forebrain Midbrain and Hindbrain
– Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Forebrain Midbrain vs Hindbrain
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Forebrain, Hindbrain, Midbrain
What is Forebrain
Generally, the forebrain is the main division of the brain. It makes up two third of the total brain mass. Generally, the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus are the components of the forebrain. The cerebrum is a part of the frontal lobe of the brain. Therefore, the forebrain can protect most parts of the brain. The telencephalon and diencephalon are two subdivisions of the forebrain. The main portion of the telencephalon is the cerebral cortex. Meanwhile, the four main parts of the diencephalon are the epithalamus, thalamus, subthalamus, and hypothalamus.

Figure 1: Parts of the Brain
The forebrain is the most important part of the brain and it is responsible for the major complex functions of the brain. Some of these functions include memory, intelligence, and body temperature control.
What is Midbrain
The midbrain is the part of the brain connecting the forebrain to the midbrain. The midbrain and the hindbrain together form the brainstem, which is the part that links the cerebrum to the spinal cord. In addition, a cerebral aqueduct occurs in the midbrain through which the cerebral ventricles are linked. Moreover, tectum, tegmentum, the cerebral aqueduct, and the cerebral peduncles are the main regions of the midbrain.

Figure 2: Midbrain
Moreover, the main functions of the midbrain include motor control, arousal (alertness), vision, hearing, sleep and wakefulness, and temperature regulation.
What is Hindbrain
The hindbrain is the part of the brain that controls the visceral functions of the brain including heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.

Figure 3: Hindbrain
Generally, the metencephalon and myelencephalon are the two parts of the hindbrain. The metencephalon is composed of the pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum.
Similarities Between Forebrain Midbrain and Hindbrain
- The brain has three main parts: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
- Moreover, the brain is a mass of nerve tissue and its main function is to integrate sensory information and directs motor responses.
Difference Between Forebrain Midbrain and Hindbrain
The forebrain refers to the anterior part of the brain, including the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus, and the midbrain refers to the upper part of the brainstem, connecting the brain and the spinal cord while the hindbrain refers to the lower part of the brainstem, comprising the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata.
Generally, the forebrain is the major part of the brain, midbrain connects forebrain to the hindbrain, while hindbrain connects the brainstem to the spinal cord.
The forebrain contains the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus, midbrain contains the tectum, tegmentum, the cerebral aqueduct, and cerebral peduncles, while the hindbrain medulla oblongata, the pons, and the cerebellum.
The forebrain is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information and motor control. Apart from that, the forebrain involves the thinking, perceiving, producing, and understanding language midbrain is responsible for motor control, arousal (alertness), vision, hearing, sleep and wakefulness, and temperature regulation while hindbrain is responsible for the respiration and heart rate.
In brief, the forebrain is the main division of the brain that contains the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus. The main function of the forebrain is to receive and process sensory information. In addition, the forebrain is responsible for thinking, perceiving, understanding language, and controlling motor function. Furthermore, the midbrain occurs between the thalamus and the hindbrain. It is also responsible for vision, hearing, motor control, sleep, wakefulness, and temperature regulation. The hindbrain, on the other hand, contains the pons and cerebellum and is responsible for respiration and heart rate. Therefore, the main difference between forebrain midbrain and hindbrain is the anatomy and function.
- “Mayfield Brain & Spine.” Brain Anatomy, Anatomy of the Human Brain | Mayfield Brain & Spine Cincinnati, Ohio,
Image Courtesy:
- “EmbryonicBrain” By Nrets– Own work (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia
- “Gray719” By Henry Gray – Own Work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
- “Gray708” By lyhana8 – Own Work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
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