What is the Difference Between Lectin and Lecithin

The main difference between lectin and lecithin is that lectin is a carbohydrate-binding protein sticking to the cell membranes of the digestive tract, whereas lecithin is a group of fatty substances occurring in plant and animal tissues.

Lectin and lecithin are two types of nutrients with different functions. Generally, lectin is a plant protein, while lecithin is a fatty substance.                                                                                   

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Lectin
     – Definition, Structure, Function
2. What is Lecithin
     – Definition, Structure, Function
3. Similarities – Lectin and Lecithin
     – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Lectin and Lecithin
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms                                                                                                                  

Lecithin, LectinLectin vs Lecithin - Comparison Summary

What is Lectin

Lectin is a protein present in plants and animals. It is also a carbohydrate-binding protein. In addition, lectin is an anti-nutrient. Furthermore, it is a glycoprotein that binds naturally to carbohydrates, forming a carbohydrate end of the protein. Lectin also plays a pivotal role in many life processes, being a ubiquitous protein. Generally, lectin occurs in animals, plants, and microorganisms. However, the main source of lectin has a plant origin. Main plant sources of lectin include legumes and grains.

Compare Lectin and Lecithin

Figure 1: Lectin

Furthermore, in plants, lectin is important for the defense of plants. Therefore, indigestion of such plants can cause digestive problems. Sometimes, it is believed to be a dangerous toxin. It also increases the cholesterol level in the body. In addition, it increases weight and coronary health problems. However, when cooked, the food containing lectin is harmless. Moreover, lectin contains a mixture of phospholipids. The other significant feature of lectin is its binding with proteins.     

What is Lecithin

Lecithin is a fat-like substance that occurs in egg yolks and soybeans. Basically, egg yolk contains 3,362 milligrams of lecithin. Furthermore, lecithin belongs to a large group of phospholipids. Therefore, lecithin is a mixture of essential fats.  Soybean is a commercial source of lecithin. However, in crude vegetable oil, the gummy material is lecithin. Therefore, lecithin can be obtained by degumming the extracted oil of seeds. The main importance of lecithin is that it removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Lectin vs Lecithin

Figure 2: Lecithin

Moreover, lecithin repairs malfunctioning systems of the body. Meanwhile, lecithin is important for the proper functioning of the liver, preventing the blocking and hardening of blood vessels. In addition, it helps the proper circulation of oxygen to all body tissues. The main important feature of lecithin is to serve as an emulsifier, suspending oils and fats.    

Similarities Between Lectin and Lecithin

  • Lectin and lecithin are two types of nutrients that are important for the body.
  • They have different characteristics, structures, and uses.

Difference Between Lectin and Lecithin


Lectin refers to a plant protein that binds to carbohydrates, while lecithin refers to any of several waxy hygroscopic phospholipids that are widely distributed in animals and plants, form colloidal solutions in water, and have emulsifying, wetting and antioxidant properties.


Lectin is a plant protein, while lecithin is a fatty substance.


Generally, lectin occurs in legumes and grains, while lecithin occurs in egg yolks and soybeans.


Lectin binds with carbohydrates in the human body, while lecithin is an essential fatty nutrient that occurs in the tissues of plants and animals.


Lectin is important to present good bacteria in the digestive system, while lecithin reduces fatty building up in the liver and lower cholesterol.

High Amounts

High levels of lectin have negative effects on the body, while high levels of lecithin have positive effects on the body.

Nutrient Info

Lectin serves as an anti-nutrient, while lecithin is an essential fatty nutrient.


In brief, lectin and lecithin are two types of nutrients that occur in the body. Generally, lectin is a plant protein that binds to carbohydrates in the human body. However, lectin is important to present good bacteria in the digestive system. But high levels of lectin have negative effects on the body. Lectin also serves as an anti-nutrient. In comparison, lecithin is a fatty substance and an essential fatty nutrient occurring in the tissues of plants and animals. High levels of lecithin have positive effects on the body. Therefore, the main difference between lectin and lecithin is their importance.                           

  1. Lectin.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
  2. Lecithin.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
Image Courtesy:
  1. 1-Oleoyl-2-almitoyl-phosphatidylcholine Structural Formulae V.1.” By Ju – Own work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
  2. Gs4 sugar all” By Thamelry at English Wikipedia – Own Work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Lakna

Lakna, a graduate in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, is a Molecular Biologist and has a broad and keen interest in the discovery of nature related things. She has a keen interest in writing articles regarding science.

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