The main difference between next and nextLine in Java is that next reads user inputs until receiving a space while nextLine reads user inputs until pressing the enter key or receiving the next line.
Generally, Java is a high level, general-purpose programming language. It helps to develop various robust, secure applications for desktop, mobile, web and other distributed systems. Moreover, it supports object-oriented programming and allows multithreading. Additionally, Java provides features such as a garbage collector. Overall, next and nextLine are two methods available in this programming language.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is next in Java
– Definition, Functionality
2. What is nextLine in Java
– Definition, Functionality
3. Difference Between next and nextLine in Java
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Java, next, nextLine, OOP
What is next in Java
next is a method in the Java Scanner class. It is capable of reading inputs until receiving a space. In other words, this method prints the words until it receives a space, and whenever it gets a space, it stops working and displays the result upto that space. Therefore, it is not possible to read words that contain space using the next method. Additionally, this method laces the cursor in the same line after reading the input.

Figure 01: Java program with next
Scanner class helps to get user input. Therefore, “sc” is an object of Scanner. According to line 7, the user can enter input values. The System.out.println statement finally displays the output, which is “Python”. Even though the user enters several strings, only the first string is stored into the languages variable. As this program is using the next method, it only read the inputs until receiving a space. Therefore, after Python, there is a space, so it does not store the rest.
What is nextLine in Java
nextLine is also a method of Scanner class. But, this method can read input until the line change. In other words, it prints the words till the line change or press enter or ‘\n’. When it receives an “enter key press”, it displays the result of the whole line until pressing the enter key or line change. Therefore, with nextLine(), it is possible to read words with spaces. Additionally, this method places the cursor in the new or next line after reading the input.

Figure 02: Java program with nextLine
Here, the “sc” is an object of scanner class. It helps to read the inputs. According to line 8, the user can enter input values. These values are stored in the languages variable. The System.out.println statement finally displays the output. It prints all the received Strings. As this program uses the nextLine, this program reads all the strings until pressing the enter key or receiving a new line.
Difference Between next and nextLine in Java
The next() is a method of scanner class of java.util package that returns a String object, which is a complete token of Scanner object. The nextLine() is a method of Scanner class of java.util package that returns a String, which corresponds to the skipped line of the Scanner object.
Moreover, next is capable of reading user inputs until receiving a space while nextLine is capable of reading user inputs until pressing the enter key or receiving a new line. Hence, this is the main functional difference between next and nextLine in Java.
Reading words with spaces
It is not possible to read words with spaces using the next method, whereas it is possible to read the words with spaces using the nextLine method. Thus, this is also an important difference between next and nextLine in Java.
In brief, next and nextLine are two methods available in the scanner class of Java. The main difference between next and nextLine in Java is that, next reads user inputs until receiving a space while nextLine reads user inputs until pressing the enter key or receiving the next line. In brief, the programmer can use any of them depending on the scenario.
1.“Java Scanner next() Method Example.” Java Tutorial HQ, Available here.
2.“Java Scanner NextLine() Method Example.” Java Tutorial HQ, Available here.
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