WhatsApp is a famous smartphone app which has taken the world by storm in the recent past. It can be used to send a variety of media such as images, videos, messages, text, and documents. WhatsApp has a user base of over one billion users, and it was recently acquired by Facebook. It is a great application to be run on a mobile device, but wouldn’t it be even better if we were able to run it on a PC? WhatsApp is not directly supported by a PC application yet. But it can be used on the PC with the help of an emulator. Let us take a closer look on how to set up WhatsApp on a PC in the following section.
How to Install WhatsApp on PC
Step 1: Installing the Emulator
The first step involves installing an emulator to run WhatsApp on the PC. The user will need to download a suitable emulator. In this instance, by logging onto bluestacks.com we will show you how to install the emulator.
Please note that WhatsApp will only be supported by the smartphone or the application on the PC with the help of the emulator. It cannot be run simultaneously on both devices. Trying to verify from both devices continuously will cause verification issues.
By moving forward to the above website, the following window will be displayed. We will need to click on the download Blue stacks in order to move forward in the installation process.
The following window will appear asking you to save it in a preferred location.
The exe file will be downloaded when the save button is clicked. Then the window will look something like this.
By double clicking on the file, which is now located in the preferred location or on the browser as shown in the above figure, the application can be executed. First, the file will be extracted.
The following window will be displayed welcoming you the Blue stacks software.
A window displaying the location of the software will be displayed.
When hitting the next key, the following window will be displayed with the Install button.
When the Install button is activated, the following window will be displayed showing the progress of the installation.
After the installation completes, the following window will be displayed
When clicking on the “Finish” button, the following window will be displayed.
Step 2: One Time Setup
A One Time setup will take you through the installation process of WhatsApp on the emulator.
By continuing, the following window will be displayed asking the user to sign in with an existing google account or creating an existing one. Here the user is assumed to have a user account. If not, he can create an account.
The following window will be displayed for the user to sign in with his google account.
Google will display the Terms and conditions statement when we attempt to sign in with a google account.
The following window will be displayed when the Signing in takes place
It will be followed up by the following window.
The following window will be displayed and we have to press the continue button.
We can add a preferred account as shown in the window below.
The user will be requested for a password to sign in.
Apps will also be synced as found on the phone when available.
Step 3: Download and Install WhatsApp
By selecting the play store option WhatsApp can be searched, downloaded, and installed.
The WhatsApp installation process will be followed by the following windows
The following window will be displayed welcoming the user to WhatsApp. By clicking on the Agree and continue, the user will be taken forward to the next window in line.
Step 4: Verify the Phone Number
The user will be requested to enter the phone number is use with WhatsApp. By entering the number, the following window will be displayed in order to verify the phone in connection with WhatsApp.
The user can restore backed up messages and click on the next button and continue on to the WhatsApp software. This will be the same interface as found on the smartphone and can be operated in a similar fashion.
By clicking on the continue button, the user can start using WhatsApp on his PC without any issues.