What is the Difference Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium

The main difference between chromium picolinate and GFT chromium is that chromium picolinate consists of chromium bound to picolinic acid, a naturally occurring organic compound, whereas GTF chromium is not a single chemical compound but rather a complex that includes chromium, niacin (vitamin B3), and various amino acids, such as cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine.

Chromium picolinate and GTF chromium are two common forms of chromium, a trace mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions. These forms of chromium are often discussed in the context of dietary supplements and health.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Chromium Picolinate 
      – Definition, Features, Benefits 
2. What is GTF Chromium
      – Definition, Features, Benefits 
3. Similarities Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium
      – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium
      – Comparison of Key Differences
5. FAQ: Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium
      – Frequently Asked Questions

Key Terms

Chromium Picolinate, GTF Chromium

Difference Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium - Comparison Summary

What is Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate is a compound formed by binding chromium, an essential trace mineral, with picolinic acid, an organic compound that occurs naturally in the body. This combination enhances the absorption of chromium in the digestive tract, making it more bioavailable to the body. Chromium is a trace mineral that plays a vital role in various physiological processes, with a primary focus on glucose metabolism and insulin function.

Chromium assists insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, in regulating blood sugar levels. It facilitates the uptake of glucose into cells. Chromium also improves insulin sensitivity, helping cells respond more effectively to insulin’s signals and enhancing glucose uptake. This can reduce the risk of high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Chromium is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, contributing to energy production and the maintenance of overall metabolic health.

Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium

One of the primary reasons people turn to chromium picolinate is its potential to help regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have suggested that supplementation with chromium picolinate may reduce blood sugar spikes after meals. Chromium picolinate has been explored for its potential role in weight management. Some research suggests that it may reduce cravings for carbohydrates and help with weight loss. There is some evidence to suggest that chromium picolinate may have a positive impact on lipid profiles, including lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Chromium plays a role in macronutrient metabolism, which contributes to energy production in the body. This can result in increased vitality and reduced fatigue. However, further research should be conducted regarding the above applications of the compound.

What is GTF Chromium

GTF Chromium is a unique and biologically active form of the mineral chromium. Unlike some other forms of chromium supplements, GTF Chromium is not a single chemical compound. Instead, it is a complex that includes chromium, niacin (vitamin B3), and various amino acids, such as cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. This intricate composition is believed to be the key to GTF Chromium’s effectiveness in supporting metabolic processes. One of the most well-established functions of GTF Chromium is its role in enhancing insulin activity. Insulin helps facilitate the uptake of glucose into cells, where it can be utilized for energy or stored for later use.

GTF Chromium can enhance insulin’s action by forming a complex with the hormone. This complex helps insulin bind more effectively to cell receptors, which, in turn, allows for better glucose uptake into cells and a reduction in blood sugar levels. In essence, GTF Chromium acts as a cofactor for insulin, making it more efficient in regulating blood sugar.

GTF Chromium is not commonly available as a standalone dietary supplement. Instead, it is present in trace amounts in various foods. Some of the dietary sources of GTF Chromium include Brewer’s yeast, whole grains, and nuts.

GTF Chromium is primarily associated with supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Studies have suggested that GTF Chromium supplementation may help improve insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose metabolism. This makes it beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.

Similarities Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium

  • Both chromium picolinate and GTF chromium supplements contain chromium as their primary active ingredient.

Difference Between Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium


Chromium picolinate is created by binding chromium to picolinic acid, while GTF chromium refers to chromium in the form of Glucose Tolerance Factor, a complex with certain amino acids.


Chromium picolinate consists of chromium bound to picolinic acid, which is an organic compound. However, GTF Chromium is not a single chemical compound but rather a complex. It includes chromium, niacin (vitamin B3), and various amino acids, such as cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine.


Moreover, chromium picolinate is readily available in supplement form, with various dosages and brands to choose from. GTF is less commonly found in supplement form compared to chromium picolinate but can be obtained from dietary sources such as brewer’s yeast, meats, and some vegetables.

FAQ: Chromium Picolinate and GTF Chromium

Is chromium GTF better than chromium picolinate?

Yes, GTF Chromium is considered better than Chromium Picolinate, particularly for weight loss, due to its natural form, effectiveness in influencing insulin activity, and superior absorption and safety.

Who should not take chromium GTF?

People with behavioral or psychiatric conditions, chromate/leather contact allergies, kidney disease, or liver disease should not take chromium GTF without medical consultation.

What is the best type of chromium for weight loss?

GTF Chromium is usually seen as the best type of chromium for weight loss because it’s natural, can affect insulin activity, and is safer and easier to absorb.


Chromium picolinate consists of chromium bound to picolinic acid, a naturally occurring organic compound, whereas GTF chromium is not a single chemical compound but rather a complex that includes chromium, niacin, and various amino acids, such as cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Thus, this is the main difference between chromium picolinate and GFT chromium.


1. “GTF Chromium: Uses, beneficial Effects, Side Effects and More.” Kidney Urology.
2. “Chromium Picolinate: What Are the Benefits?” Health Line.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Chromax II” By Sbharris – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia

About the Author: Hasini A

Hasini is a graduate of Applied Science with a strong background in forestry, environmental science, chemistry, and management science. She is an amateur photographer with a keen interest in exploring the wonders of nature and science.

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