The main difference between flower and fruit is that flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperms whereas fruit is the seed-bearing structure developed from the ovary. Furthermore, the stamen of the flower gives rise to the male gametes and the pistil of the flower gives rise to the female gametes while fruit participates in the dispersal of seeds.
Flower and fruit are subsequent products of the sexual reproduction of flowering plants. For instance, gymnosperms produce ‘naked’ fruits as they do not develop flowers.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is a Flower
– Definition, Structure, Significance
2. What is a Fruit
– Definition, Structure, Significance
3. What are the Similarities Between Flower and Fruit
– Outline of Common features
4. What is the Difference Between Flower and Fruit
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Flower, Fruit, Perianth, Pericarp, Pistil, Seed, Stamen
What is a Flower
A flower is a reproductive structure found in flowering plants. It is also known as a bloom or blossom. The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction by the production of gametes and providing mechanisms for the union of gametes in a process known as fertilization. For instance, the two main parts of a flower are the perianth and the reproductive parts. Here, the two main parts of the perianth are the calyx and the corolla. The calyx is the whorl of sepals, which are leaf-like and appear in green color. It protects the internal structures of the flower bud. Also, the corolla is the whorl of petals, which are large and colorful. They attract pollinators to the flower.

Figure 1: Flower of Capparaceae Family
Furthermore, the two reproductive parts of a flower are the stamen and pistil. Here, the stamen is the male reproductive part, comprising of anthers and filaments. Pollen grains capable of producing sperm cells occur inside the anthers. On the other hand, the pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower. It is made up of carpels with an ovary, style, and stigma. The ovary contains ovules with egg cells inside their embryo sacs. Stigma captures pollen grains and the pollen tube of the germinated pollen grains runs through the style to the ovary.
Moreover, flowers undergo either self-pollination or cross-pollination. In self-pollination, the fusing sperm cells and egg cells belong to the same flower. On the contrary, in the cross-pollination, the fusing sperm cells and egg cells belong to the different plants of the same species. Following fertilization, the ovary develops into the fruit with embryos developed into seeds.
What is a Fruit
The fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants formed from the ovary after fertilization. Flowering plants disseminate seeds by means of fruits. For this, fruits have an edible part to attract animals that depend on it for food. Generally, fruits are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and water. On the other hand, a typical fruit is made up of a pericarp surrounding the seeds. Here, the pericarp contains three layers from the outside to the in; epicarp, mesocarp. and endocarp.

Figure 2: Nectarine (Prunus persica) Fruit Development
Moreover, in general, angiosperms undergo double fertilization in which one sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus while a second sperm nucleus fuses with the two polar nuclei of the large central cell of the megagametophyte inside the ovule. The former event forms the zygote and the later forms the endosperm, which is the nutritive part of the seed. Here, the wall of the ovary develops into the pericarp, which can be either fleshy as in berries or drupes or form a hard outer covering as in nuts. Meanwhile, the other parts of the pistil, stamen, and petals fall off and in some cases only, sepals remain to protect the developing fruit.
Similarities Between Flower and Fruit
- Flower and fruit are two products subsequently occurring during the sexual reproduction of flowering plants or angiosperms.
- They are responsible for the production of gametes, undergoing fertilization, and the production and dispersal of seeds.
- Consequently, both have adaptations to attract animals for the dispersal of pollen grains and seeds.
Difference Between Flower and Fruit
Flower refers to the sex organ of the flowering plants, containing reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) surrounded by a brightly colored corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals) while the fruit refers to the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. Thus, this is the main difference between flower and fruit.
Besides, the flowers occur first and then they give rise to fruits after fertilization.
A flower consists of sepals, petals, stamen, and a pistil while a fruit consists of a pericarp and seeds.
Moreover, another difference between flower and fruit is their respective functions. Flowers are responsible for the production of gametes, undergoing fertilization, and the production of gametes while fruits are responsible for the dispersal of seeds.
The flower is the sex organ of the flowering plants responsible for the production of gametes, undergoing fertilization, and the production of seeds. Generally, a flower consists of sepals, petals, stamen, and pistil. On the other hand, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure produced by the ovary of flowering plants. It is responsible for the dispersal of seeds and is made up of a pericarp and seeds. Both flower and fruit are two subsequent products of the sexual reproduction of flowering plants. However, the main difference between flower and fruit is their structure and function.
1. “Flower Structure.” Countrysideinfo, Available Here.
2. “The Fruit: Structure and Classification – Concepts, Videos and Examples.” Toppr, 26 Sept. 2018, Available Here.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Crateva religiosa” By Eric Guinther (talk · contribs) – Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Maksim. (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Nectarine Fruit Development” By jjron – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
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