There is no significant difference between roaches and cockroaches. Both refer to a scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. Several tropical kinds of roaches have become established worldwide as household pests. However, there are around 4,600 species of cockroaches, but only 30 out of them are associated with human habitats. Furthermore, the five main forms of cockroaches are Australian cockroaches, German cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, American cockroaches, smoky brown cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches.
Key Areas Covered
1. Roaches/Cockroaches
– Species, Anatomy, Behavior
2. What is the Difference Between Roaches and Cockroaches
Key Terms
Abdomen, Cockroaches, Legs, Omnivores, Roaches, Thorax, Wings
Roaches/Cockroaches – Species, Anatomy, and Behaviors
‘Roaches’ is a synonym for cockroaches. Generally, they refer to any scavenging insects that resemble a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. Also, they have chewing mouthparts. Roaches can tolerate a wide range of environments from Arctic cold to tropical heat. They belong to the order Blattodea. Also, they are an ancient group of animals lived since the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago.
Different Species of Roaches/Cockroaches
Around 4,600 species of cockroaches have been found worldwide and only about 30 species of them are associated with human habitats. Among them, the Australian giant burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) is the heaviest cockroach in the world. It may weigh more than 30 g. Moreover, the most common form of cockroaches is American cockroaches. They are reddish brown in color and reaches up to 1-3 inches in length. German cockroaches are one of the common types of cockroaches but they are smaller than American cockroaches. They are light brown in color. Brown-banded cockroaches, smoky brown cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches are other famous types of cockroaches.

Figure 1: American Cockroach
Cockroach Anatomy
The body of a roach contains three parts; the head, thorax, and abdomen. Their thorax contains three parts and their abdomen contains ten segments. The second and third thoracic segments bear wings. Here, the first pair of wings known as tegmina serves as a tough protective shield for the membranous hind wings. However, only hind wings are used in the flight. Moreover, each thoracic segment is attached to a pair of legs. Front legs are the shortest and hind legs are the longest. Hind legs provide the main propulsive force when running.

Figure 2: Head of the Cockroach
Moreover, each abdominal segment contains a pair of spiracles for respiration. The tenth segment contains a pair of cerci, a pair of anal styles, the anus and the external genitalia. Also, their exoskeleton also contains calcium carbonate. The main function of the exoskeleton is to protect internal organs and provide sites for the attachment of muscles. Also, it contains a water-repellent, wax-coating.
Behavior of Cockroaches and Roaches
Generally, cockroaches are nocturnal insects including some that are domestic pests. They are social insects that are either gregarious or live in aggregates. These aggregations are to react to environmental cues and they are governed by pheromones. Also, they exhibit parent care as well. On the other hand, cockroaches are omnivores that feed on foodstuffs including bread, fruit, leather, paper, glue, skin flakes, hair, dead insects and soiled clothing.
Difference Between Roaches and Cockroaches
- There is no significant difference between roaches and cockroaches.
Both roaches and cockroaches are two terms that describe the same insect. Generally, cockroaches have a broad and flat body with long antennae and legs. They have a dark to brown shades of colors. The largest and the most common form of cockroaches are the American cockroaches. Most cockroaches tend to live in damp environments. Also, they are omnivores, eating a variety of food of both plant and animal origin. Therefore, there is no difference between roaches and cockroaches.
1. “Different Types of Cockroaches | Terminix.” Terminix® – Powerful Pest & Termite Solutions, Available Here.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Cockroach head” By Sharadpunita – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “AmericanCockroach” By Paul Hirst – Own work (CC BY-SA 2.5) via Commons Wikimedia
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