What is the Difference Between Subject Complement and Object Complement

The main difference between subject complement and object complement is that a subject complement adds information to the subject, whereas an object complement adds additional information to the direct object.

Complements are one of the five main elements of clause structures. They are necessary to complete the meaning of a given clause. Moreover, they generally add more information about the subject or object of a clause or sentence. Moreover, there are two main types of complements: subject complement and object complement.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is a Subject Complement 
     – Definition, Features, Examples
2. What is an Object Complement
     – Definition, Features, Examples
3. What is the Difference Between Subject Complement and Object Complement
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Complement, Subject Complement, Objective Complement

Difference Between Subject Complement Object Complement - Comparison Summary

What is a Subject Complement

A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and identifies or describes the subject of a sentence. In fact, the main function of a subject complement is to describe or rename the subject. A subject complement can be a noun, pronoun or an adjective. However, it can also be a noun phrase.

Let’s now look at a simple example of a subject complement.

Ellen is a surgeon.

Main Difference - Subject Complement vs Object Complement

In the above sentence, the linking verb is ‘is’ (verb ‘to be’). The noun ‘surgeon’ is the subject complement, and it identifies the subject ‘Ellen’.

Furthermore, there are two types of subject complements as predicative nominatives and predicative adjectives. In predicative nominatives, a noun or a noun phrase acts as the subject complement. This type of complements identifies, defines, and renames the subject. In predicative adjectives, an adjective or an adjective phrase acts as the subject complements. Moreover, this helps to describe the subject.

Examples of Subject Complement

Samantha is Asian.

At 18, Victoria became the Queen of England.

She is a liar.

Breakfast is his favourite meal.

Her mother looks friendly.

I am exhausted.

What is an Object Complement

An object complement is a word or phrase that follows the direct object of a sentence and adds more information about the object.  To be more specific, object complements rename or modify direct objects. In a way, it explains what the direct object has become. Let’s now look at some simple examples:

I named my dog Lassie.

Difference Between Subject Complement and Object Complement

Here, ‘dog’ is the direct object of the sentence. ‘Lassie’ is a noun that adds additional information about the direct object.

I painted his face green.

In the above sentence, ‘face’ is the direct object, and the adjective ‘green’ explains the state of the direct object.

As seen from the above examples, nouns, pronouns, as well as adjectives, can act as objective complements. Moreover, object complements give further meanings to the object. Generally, we use object complements are used with verbs such as call, elect, appoint, choose, make and create. 

Examples of Object Complements

The police caught him stealing.

I called him Fatty.

He couldn’t make me happy.

The king named his daughter his successor.

I proved them wrong.

The society labelled him a murderer.

Difference Between Subject Complement and Object Complement


A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and identifies or describes the subject of a sentence while an object complement is a word that follows the direct object of a sentence and adds more information about the object. 


While a subject complement adds information to the subject, an object complement adds additional information to the direct object.

Position in a Sentence

Moreover, a subject complements follows a linking verb, whereas an object complement follows the direct object.

Type of Verb

A sentence should first possess a linking verb in order to possess a subject complement, whereas a linking verb is not necessary for object complements. However, object complements are often used with verbs like call, elect, appoint, choose, make and create. 


Basically, complements are one of the five main elements of clause structures. They are necessary to complete the meaning of a given clause. Furthermore, there are two main types of complements as subject complement and objective. The main difference between subject complement and object complement is that a subject complement adds information to the subject, whereas an object complement adds additional information to the direct object.

Image Courtesy:

1. Angelo Esslinger from Pixabay
2. Pexels from Pixabay

About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.

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