What Does Commiserate Mean
Commiserate means to express sadness or sympathy for a person who has experienced something unpleasant. For example, if your friend got a divorce, you can commiserate with him or her. If someone you know has lost someone they love, you commiserate with him or her.
Definition of Commiserate
Oxford Dictionary: Express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize
American Heritage Dictionary: To feel or express sorrow or pity for; sympathize with.
Synonyms of Commiserate
sympathize, console, offer condolences to, be sympathetic to
Antonyms of Commiserate
turn away, be indifferent
Grammatical Features
- Commiserate is a regular verb that can be used as a transitive or intransitive verb.
- The past tense and past participle of commiserate is ‘commiserated’.
- The verb commiserate is often followed by the preposition ‘with’.
Derivatives of Commiserate
- commiseration (noun)
- commiserator (noun)
- commiserable (adjective)
- commiserative (adjective)
- commiseratively (adverb)
Sending a sympathy card is a simple way to commiserate with a person.
How to Use Commiserate in a Sentence
The following example sentences will help you to understand how commiserate is used in a sentence.
1. A good teacher is always able to commiserate with her students.
2. You cannot commiserate with a man until you walk in his shoes.
3. She went to their house to commiserate with them.
4. When Ginny broke up with Nero, Tanya commiserated with her.
5. She wanted to commiserate with the kidnapped child’s mother, but she was afraid to approach her.
6. We commiserated with the widows who have lost their husbands on the battlefield.
7. Sending a sympathy card is a simple way to commiserate with a person.
8. The team commiserated over their defeat.
9. After her book was rejected by the publisher, she started a blog to commiserate with other aspiring writers.
10. Even though I did not understand her grief, I commiserated with her.
11. Her parents were very supportive; they congratulated her when she won and commiserated with her when she lost.
12. I would like to commiserate with Peter’s wife, children, and extended family.
13. He pretended to commiserate with them, but they didn’t know he was the mastermind behind their son’s kidnapping.
14. While he wanted to commiserate with the woman who was condemned to death, he was afraid to go against the rules.
15. I could commiserate with him because I was in the same predicament a few years ago.
16. His refusal to commiserate with them over the defeat was considered as a sign of disloyalty.
17. The spoilt rich girl couldn’t commiserate with her friends because she did not what it was like to be poor.
18. The president commiserated with the mothers’ of the dead soldiers.
19. They organized to commiserate with the families of the soldiers.
20. She commiserated with me whenever I lost a match.
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